Will's Value

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The life of an immortal was long and the days were often dreary. Hence there weren't many days where one receives many shocks like today often. Surprise to immortals was almost a luxury. And Modus, as he was famous, provided this luxury.

"Quantum entanglement is one of the most bizarre phenomena seen when things get subatomic, or inside the quantum realm. When two or more particles link up in a certain way, no matter how far apart they are in space, their states remain linked. That means they share a common, unified quantum state. So observations of one of the particles can automatically provide information about the other entangled particles, regardless of the distance between them. And any action to one of these particles will invariably impact the others in the entangled system.'

As expected Hou Yi nodded as he knew what engagement was, but Jingsung did not. His knowledge of the subatomic world was at the level of a freshman in high school on Earth. After all, few worlds did not live through world energy and were forced to understand the pure sciences to such a degree.

Jingsung was still a smart fellow. He quickly understood the gist of it.

"So that means if he is fighting the avatar of a divinity and manages to cause damage, the damage would be multiplied due to his Anti-Divinity factor and that damage would also affect the original?"

Modus clapped in elation, "As expected of a Higher Senses master. Indeed that is so. Gods fear godslayers the most. As most of our enemies are gods; we as immortals must protect and rear as many gods slayers as possible."

"Forgive me Lord Modus, I must interject on my master's behalf, might I say, you understand that we currently have a truce with the enemy. So we can't make any drastic manoeuvres. As a stipulation of the truce, we are contractually obligated to help them kill any godslayers that can give them a true death. Anti-Divinity is that frightening." Asked a somewhat nervous Hou Yi.

"Well, there has never been an immortal whose number one attribute was Anti-Divinity. Can you imagine accomplishing that? A being whose sole purpose is to put those arrogant twats in place. I'm talking about a true blue Anti-Divinity Immortal! A Godladyer Immortal! Not to mention he has other surprises for you gentlemen." said an emphatic Modus.

Jingsung was impressed with what he saw, but he was on Hou Yi's side. A godslayer was difficult to protect under their current circumstances. The boy was talented, but still within levels of reason, just at the boundary. But Modus' previous words caused a crack to form in both Hou Yis and Jingsungs Expressions.

"Oh right, did I forget to mention that he was able to fuse two empyrean Intents and has two totems? Oh my, how silly of me hahaha."

Modus' words made Hou Yi want to dig a hole in the ground and curse his ancestors. What was a savant? This was a savant! A prodigy who defies common sense.

Mixing Intents was a common practice, fusing Intents even less so, but not Empyrean Intents. No one had been able to do so before. Or rather the mindset of most cultivators had believed it impossible. Just as how many believed it was impossible to fly until someone invented the aeroplane. Hou Yi had been hailed a prodigy in his youth, but his pride had been shattered by an ignorant mortal from a Lower World. There were no words capable of describing his pain.

Jingsung was a master of Intent. The intent was the higher sense he was most familiar with. He knew the difficulty of fusing Empyrean Intents greater than anyone present. Although he only had one Empyrean Intent, he could not fuse it with anything else. There was a big difference between mixing and fusing. Water and oil form a mixture, but an acid and a base make salt and water. This was the difference between a reaction and a mixture.

Mixing Intents just required mental strength and imagination. But presently no one even knew what the requirement was for fusing Empyrean Intents,

"I can understand your shock, why only five years ago I was also stunned. Seeing it in person reminded me of a certain theory that stated that one can only attempt to fuse empyrean Intents as a mortal with as little cultivation as possible. But I digress. Let's start from the beginning."

Modus started walking up and down with both hands behind his back, "Here I was minding my own business, meditat-...I mean monitoring my section of the system when a minor system controller came and showed me information on a world that had recently joined the system..."

Modus then proceeded to give an outline of what followed. About how he approached Will. How he had two classes, and how he had asked for a class that was connected to understanding the dao. How he had manifested multiple totems and how he had fused bloodlust and radiant energy.

"So this extremely weak and low-ranking assistant was able to discover that this boy had Anti-Divinity with the entanglement property? And you promoted her 3 ranks directly? You are leaving out a detail. Spit it out."

An ordinary wooden chair materialized out of thin air behind Modus. No one was stunned by the spectacle and kept their faces straight. The duo of Hou Yi and Jingsung kept their attention on Modus as the latter sat like it was the most natural thing to do in the world. There was a deathly silence that pervaded the atmosphere, the only sound being the silvery white flame on Jingsungs newly formed scar.

Modus was a fan of giving speeches, but even he knew that sometimes, only one word was needed to deliver a message.


Jingsung looked at his servant and vice versa. Things were getting stranger and stranger.

"Since you have agreed to let him join us, I will propose that he train as a Judge, Executioner and Priest."

Had Modus spoken these words about anyone else, Jimgsung would have called him a nutcase. Joining a list of trillions who had already done so. But Will was just too unique of a situation.



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