Will The Godslayer Uleashed! Unbound Vector!

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While Jingsung continued battling, Hou Yi continued with his explanation.

Given that there is only one object that is more difficult to escape from than a neutron star: a black hole, in principle it would seem that strange matter is confined in a safe place where it cannot infect the universe. However, just like in prison movies, a host of circumstances can make a daring escape possible.

Sometimes, neutron stars interact with a companion of the same nature; what begins as an innocent stellar dance, ends as one of the most violent phenomena in the universe, the collision of two neutron stars. The energy released is so enormous that on Earth we have managed to detect the gravitational waves, distortions in the very fabric of reality, that emerge from these encounters.

This is the chance for the strange matter to escape its confinement. Ejected at high velocity by the collision, remnants of strange matter, known as strangelets, fly through space like poisoned darts.

If one of these strangelets were to hit something like a star or a planet, it would take just seconds for a Midas-like reaction to turn all the ordinary matter into a ball of strange matter, relentlessly compressing the struck object. This reaction would in turn generate new strangelets that would fly off again in all directions, creating a chain reaction. It is thus only a matter of time before all the objects in the universe become infected and turn into strange matter.

Collisions of neutron stars are not uncommon, so there could be strangelets flying like stray bullets all across the galaxy, but the space between stars is very large and hitting some planetary systems would be very unlikely. Similarly, although the models that predict the existence of strange quarks are solid, it is not so clear that this strange matter can be maintained outside the nucleus of neutron stars.


In the test of the Atlas Columns, Will had concentrated multiple energies into his sword. Life Force, Sword Yuan, Water Yuan and Sword Intent were packed into a complex structure made out of Water Intent. This structure was within the Ice Sword he used at the time. The reason he used an Ice Sword instead of using the rusty katana was so that he could have a weapon he could freely imbue with Water Intent. To the point where he could create a 'Water Intent Channel System' which also acted as a skeleton for the Ice to attach to. Now however things were different.

'This is most likely an attack that uses yin constitution as the vessel, the rusty katana made of a unique unbreakable metal acts as the conduit. Sword force is used as the driving force within the blade while intent and truth are the forces on the surface of the blade. The breath acts as the guide. higher Senses, a force and A primordial energy like yin, all in one attack. Not to mention that energy, could it be Anti-Divinity?'

Jingsung Ha thought of an incredibly frightening possibility. As there is Anti-matter that can cancel ordinary matter out of existence, there exists Anti-powers. From Anti-Qi, Anti-World Energy, there was even Anti-Gravity. But the king of Anti-Powers was without a doubt Anti-Divinity. It was able to cancel out divine and immortal essence, regardless of the energy gap.

The only way to block it was to use non-divine energies as a first defence. People born with Anti-Divinity were also known by another name.

'This boy is a godslayer. He is in trouble. 'There is no doubt about it. Modus chose him for his Anti-Divinity. How did he even discover it so soon?'


Gods and immortals feared death by Anti-Divinity for a simple reason. They did not reincarnate. This would be a true death in all meanings of the word. Hence most godslayers would find themselves hunted down by nearby immortals who feared for their lives. The Conquest System placed many restrictions on immortals and gods, limiting them to using Restricted Avatars, but there were loopholes, albeit they were difficult to exploit. This was done to give godslayers a chance because each and every godslayer had incredible talent in cultivation. After all the System was meant to foster powerhouses, not cater for deities and immortals.

Alas to immortals and deities, there were more benefits to killing a godslayer than befriending one. But this did not apply to most.

Jingsung narrowed his eyes and focused on the incoming Will. The boy had started to walk towards him. An odd white whip-like light escaped from the tip of his sword. The whip-like light danced about like a silk ribbon caught in a hurricane.

"Yin-type Sword Force reinforced by The Breath and infused with Anti-Divinity. What on earth are you trying to do?" asked a perturbed Jingsung. He was not sure what Will wanted to do, but it excited him. He had never faced a godslayer before.

Will raised his sword above his hands, both hands on his hilt. The silvery-white light in his eyes seemingly piercing into the void. His voice lowered as he took his aim, "This is my first time, so I can't control this properly.'

Jingsung had no time before Will's silhouette flashed forward!


"House of Chamberlain First Stroke: Unbound Vector."

The white ribbon of light followed Will's stroke and went straight to meet Jingsung. The latter pupils constricted in shock, but he was still the Seventh Scion of Ha. he would not lose out to anyone when it came to shocking others. Instead of counter-attacking, blocking or evading, Jingsung simply opened up himself to receive the attack. Will was only slightly surprised but he couldn't care less. This was a test, one he did not plan to fail.

The ribbon of light became a sword light that greatly increased in volume, till blinding silvery white light was all Jingsung could see.


"Haha Modus you old fox, you have chosen well. You have my support on this mortal." said a seemingly elated Jingsung.

Modus smiled while Hou Yi whistled in surprise. His master had incredibly high standards. If he accepted the mortal boy so easily then there was a reason. And the reason showed itself.

Jingsung had turned around, and a small scar had shown on his handsome face. His mask had long been thrown away to reveal the spectacle that Will had accomplished. A small silvery-white flame burned on the small cut.

"Damaging an Immortal across time and space. This is-"

It was here that Modus revealed his trump card. "The reason I chose him isn't simply because he has Anti Divinity. Its because his Anti Divinity has quantum entanglement.



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