His Name is Duke

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The bald man turned his attention to the silhouette that had appeared a few steps beside him. The bald man had an ugly Tengu mask but he was quite expressive. Shock was quite visible through the slits of his mask. Jingsung Ha noticed this and whistled.

'To be able to sneak up on me and Yi; as usual, Modus is quite the freak.'

The duo looked at the new arrival. He was dressed in blue Daoist robes. He had dark brown skin and a face with a neatly trimmed beard. His dark brown eyes and ordinary face made one want to put their guard down, and that's precisely what made Modus frightening.

Modus chuckled and put his hand on the bald man's shoulder, "Hou Yi, it has been a while, how are you old friend? I heard Apollo competed with you and lost in sun catching. You're prowess is impressive as always."

The Bald man, or rather Hou Yi, hurriedly bowed and said, "Lord Modus, surely you jest. Apollo is a child compared to me. Hahaha."

Jingsung Ha felt the urge to beat up Hou Yi for his odd behavior. But he restrained himself, because such behavior works with Modus.

"Haha good! Good! Hou Yi, your confidence is always refreshing, you remind me of myself in my youth." Said Modus as he stroked his beard.

'Bowing and bragging. Of course Modus and Hou Yi were made for each other.'

Jingsung Ha rolled his eyes and said, "Lord Modus, I see you have trimmed your beard. It looks good on you."

"Ah thank you Young Ha. I went to a Lower World that had something called Beard gang, a style of beards. I decided to copy a mortal called Ice Cube. I saw how good his beard was and tried to steal his look, what do you think Hou Yi? Does it suit me?"

Jingsung immediately regretted starting small talk while Hou Yi did not miss a chance to boot lick.

"You look like a dragon among men Lord Modus. Lord Jingsung could learn from you in this regard."

Jingsung snorted in disdain and stood up while patting himself. "I have nothing to learn from you old fogey. Now why are you here, I was having an important chat with my subordinate."

'Modus doesn't make a move without a good reason. He likes to play the fool, but he is far from being one.'

Modus laughed and said, "Well, you were discussing my disciple and his subordinate, I just happened to be passing through the House of Ha and I happened to hear what you said."

Jingsung was stunned. He took off his mask and revealed his face. He had not changed much from his time as a mortal, except now his disposition and charm had leveled up. His crystal clear eyes were like the surface of a calm sea that was about to storm the world around it.

Hou Yi almost coughed in shock, which is extremely rare for immortals that are supposed have superb control of their bodies and psyche. Hou Yi looked at his Master and saw the latter nod.

"Lord Modus, do you mean the Water Meister."

Modus did not reply to Hou Yi, he just grinned mischievously and stared at Jingsung, awaiting the latter's response. And the boy did not disappoint.

"Modus, have you chosen him?"

"Well I wouldn't go as far as to say he the candidate, but he certainly has the potential. As you were a Jaeger Meister who took the Meister title by force you should be able to handle this." Said Modus while stroking his beard.

Jingsung Ha had slain the previous natural born Water Meister and become one by force. When he ascended the spot became empty until Will became the current Water Meister.

Even though Jingsung was a Water Meister for a time he cared more about the way of the sword and higher senses, so he didn't create many water type skills, but he took full advantage of the fifth attribute of the Meister class.

Meisters are the only obtainable class. If a person with high enough water affinity were to kill Meister, then they would gain Master's class and become a water Meister themselves. Not only gaining Master's class but all your skills and comprehensions. The same would happen if Master won, you would receive every water-based skill or comprehension your enemy has. That's why they are known as butchers, because they travel worlds, slaughtering countless people to gain their abilities and strengths to add them to their own.

The amount of water type swordsmen that Jingsung Ha had slaughtered to increase his understating of the Dao of water was endless. He was not the strongest of the Scions of Ha, but he was the most famous for his mass murders. He was a kill first, regret later wort of warrior. The kind that the sane feared and the mad revered.

Sixth, Due to their high insight and ability to take the talent of their fallen foes, Elemental Meisters create far more techniques than others. It rumored that all of the Meisters in existence alone have created more techniques than all other users who have ever lived combined; this is why they usually dominate the Emperor rankings. This aspect has earned them the name Jaeger Meisters.

Jingsung Ha did not create many techniques, but there was one he created that created a buzz in the cultivation world, and it just so happened that his avatar was about to use its nascent form.

"The system requested I grant permission for my avatar to use The Raindrop Sword on your disciple. Do you consent?" probed Jingsung.

Modus chuckled as if he had no worries in the world and said, "Go ahead, in fact, I wanted to ask for a favor. I'm going to hack into the system, so I want you to take control of the avatar and slowly push that boy to his limits. I will give you complete access to your avatar. If you deem him to be below your standards you may kill him."

Hou Yi shivered at these words. He thanked the gods that he was not Modus' disciple.

Jingsung Ha put his hands on his chin in thought. Eventually some killing intent started to slowly leak from his body into the environment

"Very well then, I will take this a bit seriously."

Hou Yi started to get excited, and then he remembered what Modus had said earlier.

"Lord Modus, you said Master Jingsung and I were discussing your disciple and his subordinate. That would mean that subordinate is the being with potential I found. But just to confirm we are talking about the same person his name is-"

Modus interrupted with a smile, "Duke. His name is Duke."



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