Chapter 3- Immortality is all i ask.

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Chapter 3- Immortality Is All I Ask


The voice suddenly went silent. The world suddenly stopped. All that was moving stilled, even the birds were frozen in their flight. The color drained from the world, becoming monochrome, black and white.


Will was again surprised and left bewildered at what was happening around him. What seemed to be a man in dark oriental style robes appeared in front of Will, he was taller than Will, and wore a red dragon's face mask. It was Modus. There was something intriguing, yet daunting about his presence. Will immediately could tell that this man was not a normal person, he was powerful. His very being exuded an aura of supercilious authority.

"I am Modus," said the darkly clad man.

"Who are you?" Will was brought out of his paralysis of bewilderment.

"As I said, I am Modus. Understand this –I hate repeating myself." The man replied.

Will was nervous; he was not sure how he should deal with the situation. He rarely felt nervous, and he had never met a man such as this before. Will knew that he had to be careful and fully mindful in what he said to Modus.

"Then, what are you?" Will asked.

"I am an administrator of the system. I oversee the function of the system here on earth."

"Why then, Sir, have you come to me?"

"Young man –I have come to make a deal with you."

Modus was pleased that Will was polite.

"Now, I will talk to you. I will tell you this once –Do NOT interrupt me when I am speaking to you! Is that clear?" Modus was serious and stern.

Will nodded his head as fast as possible. He was afraid of what might happen should he disobey Modus.

"The Conquest System only comes to a world once that world has reached a certain level of development. When the system first becomes a part of a world, It will induct specific individuals into the system from day one. These individuals are given abilities and levels. They are given the choice of which kind of class they want. Once the class has been chosen, they are officially part of the system and permanently under my control. –You are different."

"Different? What did I do?" Will thought. He was frightened and was wondering what would happen.

"Usually, individuals are given a class that is within the individual's chosen parameters. If not, they are given a random class that is chosen by the system to suit the individual's body type and character. There are millions of classes that may be chosen or allocated. –You are an anomaly, because of three things.

Firstly, you possess a Duos Class. This is a class that uses both Qi and Mana energy types. This usually happens when an individual has upgraded their class at a higher level. Very few individuals have a Duos Class, even once they have reached higher levels.

Secondly, you have been allocated a title that gives you two classes. This too usually happens in the higher levels of an individual's conquest.

Thirdly, and most notably, both classes that you, young man, have chosen both have something pertaining to a Dao. These classes facilitate an individual's ability to gain knowledge and understanding in the laws of nature. These classes are called Cultivator Classes, and are the most rare and profound. Achieving one of these classes is not surprising; however, you are the first within the system within and all outside this world to have all three cases. Additionally, you are an individual who obtained two Duos Classes at the beginning of the conquest in this world. The reason why you were awarded the title in the beginning is because you realized the duality factor and included a search for a Dao within your specified parameters.

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