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A Full Power True Strike! This was something Will had always wanted to do. But he was worried about the damage he would do to his surroundings, so he still held back. The True Strike was like a Ripple of light. Imagine a pond, then a pebble is thrown in that pond. Waves would travel outward 360 degrees from the point of impact. This True Strike was similar to the first wave.

Overpowering and dominant. Reaching far and wide in a 180-degree fashion with Will as the epicentre. At the beginning of the ripple of light, everything was disappearing, as if turning into nothingness.

Then as the wave went further, it thinned out and became weaker. Body parts started showing up—a part of a finger or half of an elbow. Then full body parts came, leading up to full corpses that were split in two. These were the most numerous and littered the edge of the fan-shaped death zone.

Just after the dead zone were the lethally injured, the wounded and the lightly inured. The enemy was left speechless. Then one heavily injured one that could walk bellowed and ran back. This, in turn, affected the ones next to it and a mass retreat was initiated. It was a beautiful sight to sigh. It was as if a herd of wildebeest were crossing the Kalahari in full force.

Since Will had Aqua sense on, he saw his work in all its splendour. The retreating ones trampled the ones coming from behind, resulting in them killing their own. A remnant of Will's intent was in each of the survivors, that's why he could tell.

"Each one that was touched by the True Strike gets me experience by killing!"

This was a shocking discovery to Will. He couldn't understand how or why this happened. However, he was not the only silent one. Will sighed in resignation at the thought of talking to the crowd behind him. But before that.

"The experience!"

Like a swarm of fireflies in the night, the experience gathered. It started to swarm to Will as if he was an irresistible black hole. This was an incredibly pleasurable experience of orgasmic proportions! But this wasn't the boy's first nut. He kept his calm and opened the village interface. Each of the militia were registered as part of his party. Will moved quickly!

The moment Will felt that his own energy had reached a bottleneck, he made them all the beneficiaries of his experience!

The experience storm was taken by a large beam of light into the sky. Will was happy with his work. There was also more good news. He was finally level 99!

Will felt the raw power coursing through. All his abilities got an all-round boost. Especially capabilities that required mental processing, thanks to Dual Mind Propagation. He now had over 2 million minds. 2 097 152 minds to be precise. His Water Meister class benefitted the most from this. His range didn't increase much, but the amount of water he could now control was stupendous. He was confident that he could handle all water molecules perfectly within a five-kilometre radius. If he limited his control, he could possibly reach 15 kilometres depending on how much water he could control.

Will opened his status to view himself.

Username: Peerless Dao Master

Level: 99

Class: Water Meister, Sword Expert

Energy Type: Yuan

Points: 460000000

Race: Human


Endurance: 462 (+103)

Agility: 499 (248)

Strength: 471 (189)

Wisdom: 531 (305)

Intelligence: 513 (+299)


Will focused on his bass stats and new swordsman class.

"Sword Expert, huh, doesn't sound bad at all."

Will was thrilled with the way his stats were. He was a bit unhappy with his endurance, but u can't have the cake and eat it too. The 'truth' stat was something he couldn't wrap around his head around. It was greyed out as if Will wasn't qualified enough to try quantifying it.

"Be positive. Be positive!" Will yelled in his mind.

The massive amount of points he had collected weren't wrong, either. That's when Will finally turned around. All kinds of faces were staring at him. He thought of what to say to the thousands of gobsmacked users.

"Hey guys listen-"

Before he could finish, he was teleported by a beam of light into the sky. An old but experienced user sighed and shook his head.

"It was only a matter of time before the gods took him. They always take everything interesting.'

Hence thousands of fighters shook off their confusion and made use of the space and confusion given to them. Now it was their turn.


Meanwhile, back on earth, two men were talking in a cave. One of the men was hooded, revealing only his dirty arms and legs. He looked like a beggar who had not showered since birth. The sheer stench coming of him could kill a man...literally.

The other man was covered in what could only be described as an astronaut's suit. A dome covered his head while the rest of his body was covered in a silvery cloth.

The cave was enormous, so large that it could house an entire city according to The Uk's standards.

"You amaze me as always your highness. Only you and Genesis could stand in here without needing some sort of protection."

Said the suited Andreas. Dragon Heart merely shook his head.

"You speak with haste old friend, how do you know that Peerless isn't a body cultivator? Besides, that freak Ezra fears no pain. He would probably laugh as he took a stroll in here."

Andreas nodded at his master's words. "Laugh He might, but his death would still be inevitable." There was indeed a possibility of Ezra surviving in the cave but he still thought he wouldn't survive. Being one of the few people who knows what Ezra is truly capable of. There is a reason he is called the mad one.

But few took the path of body cultivation. It simply took too many resources and was incredibly painful. Only those with fortune and incredible willpower could tread upon this path.

In the middle of the cave was a bowl that seemed to have green ice filling it up. The ice was slowly becoming darker and darker.

"Harvesting the fate of the citizens was a masterstroke, Andreas. Soon Peerless will come before me. And I shall crush him like the bug he is."

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