A Clash Of Sovereigns: Yin vs Yin!

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Hundreds of thousands of raindrops fell around the duo. The very fact that any drop of water could become a weapon to Jingsung sent chills down Will's spine.

'Even if I limited my control to a hundred raindrops, I can't change shape and trajectory with such speed.'

Will hoped to be able to perform something similar in the future, alas he was not yet quite there in terms of skills. His parallel processing and mental capabilities still had plenty of room to grow.

'But I do have other tools in my arsenal.'

Will stepped forth, despite the big difference between him and his opponent.

'What is that mortal up to?' mused Jingsung.

Will's doors started to shut down one by one until he was back to normal. Within two steps he was back to his normal state, but the kickback from forcefully shutting off his doors caused him no small amount of pain. Will spat a mouthful of blood as his silvery-white gaze stared daggers at Jingsung.

A cold empty chill started to emanate from Will once he took his third step.

'This boy, he is fully utilizing his yin constitution.'

Trees and plant life were born from seeds. But they were not the only thing that could be created from a seed. Yin energy, or negative energy, was a highly polarising energy that only few could possess and even fewer could master. Usually used by females and soul-type cultivators, it was an energy type that had a myriad of uses in a world dominated by positive energy users.

Will had an affinity for negative energy but he did not have much of a talent in the field. At least not enough to use for battle. He neither had a mind, soul or body that was fully suited for it. This was where seeds came into play. Seeds allowed for the change of the easiest state of cultivation to change, the body.

There were plenty of unique constitutions in existence. Most of which had nothing to do with one's bloodline. They were either with someone from birth as a mutation or acquired through a constitution-altering seed. Will had received the highest class of yin constitution seed available among Lower Worlds within the mortal realm. Although it didn't give him a unique power, it had over many battles, big and small, slowly converted Will into having a pure yin physique.

Now Will was applying that boon. Will still had little understanding of negative energy. And while the doors amplified his energy, they also limited his control and placed a mental burden on him.

'It's not just about stacking powers. Sometimes, using the right ability at the right time matters.'

Will had now reached the fourth step. He breathed in deeply and strengthened the grip on his rusty katana. There was no force of any kind, no yuan, no intent. Gates firmly shut, vision firmly planted on his enemy Will burst forth!

Just the aura of Yin spreading out from Will was enough to cause the raindrops around him to shift their already chaotic trajectories. His hair became pale white, losing its light blue sheen while his pupils became silver. The boy's dark brown skin seemed to develop a layer of frost while the look on his 15-year-old face betrayed his age.

On his fifth step, Will exhaled, and a burst of cold air escaped from his lungs. Jingsung smiled nonchalantly and swung a sword.



The sound of shattered ice spread out from Will as he took his sixth step. Jingsung Ha had created 5 raindrop slashes to attack Will from multiple angles, but only centimetres away from the skin, they turned into ice, which shattered upon impact with Will's skin.

'You are naïve if you think you can just freeze my rain.'

On Will's seventh step, Jingsung swung his sword once again. He was a dual wielder but he was only utilizing one sword for the Raindrop Domain. If he used both swords he felt the competition would end too quickly.

The raindrops were covered in a unique water concept that made them abnormally sharp. The raindrops were no longer simply going to break on impact, they were now laced with an invasive sharp water concept that Will's low-level yin aura could not corrupt.

Or that's how it should be.


A simple inhalation of air somehow changed all of that. At first, Jingsung ignored it, but he was a master of Higher Senses. How could he not notice one of his own specialities? '

'This is... The Breath?'


The were multiple miraculous abilities in existence, but certain ones set themselves apart from the rest. The 5 Higher Senses were part of this group.

Intent, Truth, The Breath, Kaos and The Voice. These were the Five Higher Senses. Intent, Truth and The Breath were the senses Will was most familiar with, especially Intent, which he had quickly manifested at the beginning of his journey.

The Higher Senses were related to the states of cultivation. They were a reflection of the ability the Mind had to observe and interact with the universe around it. In other words, Higher Senses were fuelled by Mental power.

The Breath was the ability to draw in foreign energy into your body and conduct it. Cultivation was taking in energy, circulating it, storing it then releasing it in some form. But The Breath allowed one to simply be a conduit who could use heterogenous World Energy as it was and immediately apply it without making it harmonize with the body. By removing the circulation, conversion and storage aspects, one could call upon great power, tapping directly into the environment. It was a dangerous skill that could easily cause irreparable damage to a user if not properly handled.

Wild untamed energy needed to be guided by a strong mind and soul. There also had to be an immediate output for any energy gathered utilizing The Breath.

As soon as the raindrops approached Will's skin, they broke apart once again. Will's body was now host to a rampaging torrent of yin-type energy drawn through The Breath.

The advantage of constitutions is that they allowed you to 'infect' any energy or force that entered your body with their own attribute. Hence even though Will had not circulated the World Energy within him, the moment it entered him, it was polarized by his yin constitution.

'I see, the boy is using his pure yin body to polarize the energy entering!'

This was a tactic that could only be used by those who had a polarising constitution and high affinity for The Breath. Jingsung had only fought a handful of opponents with such a combination of abilities but only two had been able to pull off what Will had done.

'Two can play at that game.'

"Raindrop Domain, Yin Field activate."

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