True Sword Kaiser

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'It's back! Look!"

Back in the operation room, The feed to Will's battle had returned. But it was starting from the point where Will had just taken his first step toward Jingsung in his attack.

"Stop, quiet, I need to focus. Brother, Odysseus, Wodin, pay attention!" Bellowed a thrilled Hercules.

Odysseus was unhappy. But he did not have a habit of saying unnecessary things. Hercules was happy and that was what mattered. Odysseus had no intention of looking a gift horse in the mouth. (Authors Note: Who picked up on that XD)

Wodin said nothing and simply observed. His other Avatar's interaction with immortals at Jingsung's mountain had already concluded. Modus had intentionally accelerated time there to accommodate their discussion as the battle went on in what was a slow motion to them.

At Odin's request, he returned the video feed to Hercules after Will closed his doors and completely stopped his yuan. The Anti divinity aura had disappeared with Will's yuan.

'The scar on Jingsung's face has too many unique energies. The anti-divinity imprint is weak, so they won't notice anything. Just restrict their access and they won't notice much. Only give them basic visuals. Let Hercules see what the boy can do from here. If he uses anti-divinity again, I will just have Wodin wipe their memories before they report to their true bodies. If Hercules sees this boy's potential, I could leverage it to our goals.'

As Wodin schemed, the battle on the screen heated up.

"Skill Cancellation! That's Skill Cancellation" shouted Narcissus. Cancelling a skill mid-chant was a dangerous thing to do it was like trying to stop a stone mid-throw. You could hurt your arm in the process. But the danger was much worse here.

Every time a skill or spell was used, World Energy moves through specific energy channels necessary to power the skill. Skill Cancellation forced the energy to change channels. This caused damage to one's spiritual pathways, causing blockages and damaged circulation routes.

The more powerful the skill, the worse the consequences of the cancellation. Especially with a technique powerful enough to disturb the World Energy around it. Who in that room was unfamiliar with Sword Kaiser?

'Using Skill Cancellation and Sword Kaiser together to mess up rhythm and timing. This kid is vicious even on himself. He had planned ahead to this degree, yet his fighting earlier was careless and brash. It's like I'm observing a different person. How does his brain work.'

Narcissus had been tasked as the boy's bodyguard and had admitted the lad was worth his attention, but this was a new level altogether.

'This kid is worth befriending.'

Narcissus, in that split moment, shot a minor glance at his brother, whose full attention was on the wide screen at the centre that showed Will bringing his sword down.

'I know brother has unique ambitions and is gathering talents around him. His desperation for a Truthseeker is a dead giveaway. I should befriend that mortal. He could go places. If he lives long enough.'

Geniuses were like floating clouds. Numerous but fleeting in existence. How many succeeded, making it to the top?

"He just opened his 7th door!"

This well-timed yet seemingly uncharacteristic outburst from Wodin forced Narcissus to concentrate on the battle. Only Odysseus found the outburst strange, but he felt that it wasn't important enough to distract him. They could all multi-task, but this was too important to take a risk. If they missed one small detail, their mission could be messed up. They had access to the battle visually, but they didn't have the access they had before in terms of Will and Jingsungs well being.

They couldn't even access Will's body temperature. All they could glean was from the screens portraying the battle. They had no numbers to work with.


"Rest in peace motherf*cker!" Will shouted as he swung his sword with all the strength he could muster efficiently. Truth required perfect technique. Will was in Martial Harmony with all 7 doors open. He had to use all his minds to barely keep his stance and control of energies correct.


A sharp blue sword light escaped Will's blade and bisected Jingsung. The latter had been slaughtered, but he had an odd gleam of satisfaction in his eye that did not escape Will's gaze, and it wasn't just Will who noticed.

The blade light did not stop at that, it extended until it was over a hundred meters in height and continued to expand as it sliced the cliff and waters beneath them into two.

Will saw the chaotic waters around them relax and calm as the shockwave of truth from the blade light emanated outward. Truth was a power that reflected the mind of he who used it. Will's Truth was overbearing and stable, hence the area around calmed. The stormy clouds within a two-kilometre radius started to disperse, making their area seem like the eye of a hurricane.

The blade of Truth born from a Sword Kaiser, without breaking up, continued on its destructive path as it bisected the stormy seas, splitting open a path that reached the endless abyss beneath. Not even Will could see how deep the ravine was. And he had no intention of finding out. The Truth continued until it dispersed a few kilometres away.

At the point of impact between the Truth and Jingsung's body, a small glass kike crack appeared, with black lightning-like energy spewing out.

Will spun his body around in mid-air and landed on the left side of the bisected cliff. He was now right on the edge, looking down at the rocky shore that looked like a watery grand canyon.

'So this is the power of my current full power True Strike. It actually caused a crack in space to occur. This must be a low-level arena. Does this mean I surpassed the expected threshold for this space?''

Will had 7 doors open, he was in Martial Harmony, he had activated his Yin Physique and he had used All the Yuan he could efficiently output to keep the Truth as pure as possible. He was quite pleased with his work.

'If I had created a foothold, my balance would have been better and the result would have been more stable Truth. But...'

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