Chapter 95: Kick it up a Notch

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As the water blades increased in intensity, so did Will's movements, but after a while, he was losing out.

'Let's kick it up a notch.'

Will opened the Second Gate and instantly, his movements spiked, catching up to the water blade intensity, even surpassing it. After a few more seconds Will only needed one hand, Infuriating the old man.

Francisco clapped his hands, "This boy has style. I like it." Salty looked at Taiga and said, "He hasn't become a state lord yet right?" Taiga nodded. "Indeed, he is still just a normal lord." Salty crossed her hands across her ample chest and licked her lips, 'That means he is definitely below level 75 and yet he is somehow dealing with a man in the 90's. He is starting to look more and more delicious haha." Salty's sultry behavior caught the attention of Francisco, who then shifted his sights at Will. Green was also in his eyes, but for an entirely different reason…

Anyway back to Will, after a few moments of repelling the water blades, Will's voice rang out into the surroundings.

"Hey old man, I'm getting bored over here, I'm this close to scratching my balls from boredom. Help a brother out and give me a challenge, or better yet, just give up and stop wasting my time.

Will's words seemed to have done the trick. The water blade hailstorm stopped, and the old man revealed himself, floating in mid-air once more. His face was red from anger. Will's words weren't exactly kosher.

"Fuckin brat! You think you are strong? You can't even touch me?" Said the old man confidently.

'I wouldn't be so sure about that old man.'

"Why were you in that room old man, why are you trying to kill me?"

"The dead need not know such information." harrumphed the old man.

"He was sent by Aurora Phoenix." Taiga's voice drifted into Will's ears. It was not intent, but his actual voice. Will had no idea how he did that or why he was not helping him but he didn't care. Will didn't ask for help, because he had this under control, and he hoped that Alexa and co thought the same.

"A little birdy told me that you were sent by Aurora," said Will.

The old man was shocked. He had been following Will and co on his own dimension, using it to spy on them. Will is only able to track his movements thanks to the aqua sense and reading the opponents killing intent, one of Bloodlust's many boons. One Will hadn't quite locked down yet.

"Since Aurora has made her stance clear, then I will reveal to the world what kind of scum she is, sending a high-level assassin just to kill me," said Will.

The old man panicked, "Wait that wasn't her order!"

"Oh really now." Said Will as he scratched his nuts.

"Her orders were only to monitor you and try to convince you to join her side. It is my own intention to attack you." said the old man with a solemn face.

Will continued to scratch his balls nonchalantly, "I see. Since you put it that way then there is no longer a need to prolong this fight."

Old Guy Mu took that as a provocation. "Oh really? What are you gonna do kid? The people behind you are stronger than me, but if I wanna run nothing can stop me."

At that instant, it started to rain, which was odd because there were no rain clouds.

'Is it the boy's doing? Just what is he up to?'

The old man touched the rain dropped and noticed nothing special about them, but he still had a bad feeling in his gut, so he decided to hide in his dimension for a while and see what Will was up to.

Will was indeed up to something. This whole time, Taiga had been whispering in Will's ear using his own unique method, and his words confirmed Will's suspicions. So Will came up with a plan. The rain was indeed caused by him, and each raindrop was infused with the boy's intent. The intent was his, so no matter where the old man was, so long as it was within a few meters, regardless of dimensions, Will could spot him.

Killing intent could only let Will know that the old man was near. Since killing intent showed that he was near, hypothetically speaking Will could track the old man's true position if he planted intent on him. It wasn't a guarantee but it turned out to be true. Will's Aqua Sense could now pick up the old man's form and position.

Taiga had also informed Will of the old man's class and its traits, which put a smile on Will's face. Without anyone noticing, Will gathered some water onto his palm. An extremely small amount, equal to just a drop of water. What made this water so special? All of it came from the old man himself, in other words, it used to be a part of his body!

'Now to finish this.'

Alexa and co waited with bated breath, curious to see how Will would injure the old man, and Will's answer did not disappoint. It was something they were all familiar with as they had just experienced it, the question was; is it an attack that could breach dimensions?

The winds became chaotic as a frenzied qi filled the surroundings. Will pointed his hand forward and said the magic words…literally.

"I am the lone arrow that strikes at the heavens and yet knows no redemption!

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