Chapter 9- Perfecting Technique Through Slaughter

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Suddenly, Will felt the ground tremble slightly; his senses were heightened, so he could tell that whatever was causing the earth to shake was nearby. He looked around and found a tall tree.

It was the tallest tree around, and it was perfect for Will's purposes. He climbed the tree quickly with nimble and agile movements, and when he reached the top, he looked around, only to see a ridiculous sight.

Whatever was approaching, it was coming from all around Will, and as it got closer, trees were mowed down as if they were grass.

This sounds like a monster horde.

Indeed, just as Will thought, it was a horde of monsters. Or rather to be specific it was a pack, a pack of large grey wolves which had encircled Will from all directions. At first Will was happy. With such a great amount of enemies he could get the practice he needed. Soon however, Will's smile turned into a frown.

The number of wolves seemed endless. It was as if a massive sea of grey was encroaching Will from all directions. He could not see the end of it. When the horde was about 50 meters away from Will, it stopped. The pause was so perfect and disciplined; one might think the wolves to be trained soldiers.

That's when it appeared.

Will saw that at some point the wolves started to systematically move to the side, as if they were making way for someone, or something, what came into Will's view was ridiculous.

An extremely large silver wolf came to the front of the horde. Its body was the size of a house, its eyes looking down upon all in front of it. Whenever it passed, all wolves would kneel, as if they were worshiping it.

It, like all the others, stopped fifty meters away from Will. Its piercing gaze was directed straight at Will. It was directing killing intent at Will without pause. Its purpose was clear.

It opened its large mouth and howled, and large wind blades came out of its mouth and attacked Will and his surroundings, Will went straight to the ground, he started dodging the wind blades with a speed that humans were not supposed to have; the entire remainder of the forest was shredded by the storm of wind blades.

Will dodged them easily. While they were not slow, they were also far from fast. After one wave, the shower of wind blades was done. Will no longer had any cover. He was completely exposed.

All the wolves howled at this sight. The giant wolf howled one more time to the sky, this time it wasn't an attack, it was an order. The entire swarm moved straight toward Will. As soon as they got within range, their information popped up.

[Storm Wolves: Powerful wolves with the ability to manipulate wind. They are fast and always move in packs. Their main weapons are their claws and their wind blades.

Rating G+]

Will gulped at this information. Due to his high intelligence and his dual mind ability, he was ability to process the information very quickly.

This wasn't simply a pack. This was in fact a mega horde. One mistake and you could die.

Will took out his rusty katana. He closed his eyes and calmed his mind, taking in all of the killing intent that was surrounding him. He didn't need to see with his eyes, the killing intent was information enough, with his 4 minds processing the data, he was very clear on what was coming.

He opened his eyes, and readied his stance. These eyes looked serene, his breathing was shallow, his body was tense, his sword was steady.

A wolf got into range and Will moved. His silhouette flashed, the wolf lost its head, and blood gushed out from its body.

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