Chapter 5- The Art of The Solitary Sword Sovereign

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Chapter 5 The Art of The Solitary Sword Sovereign

The information that flowed into Will's mind was about cultivation. There were three types of energy that a human was able to use: Qi, mana, and yuan. Qi was the energy of the body. Mana was the energy of the spirit. Yuan energy is a fusion of the two. There are different yuan energies, one that is primarily Qi, one that is primarily mana, and one that is a balance of the two. Once a player has reached a certain level of skill and ability, they are able to use yuan energy. The closer a player's yuan energy is to a perfect balance of the two, the better and more affective the energy is. It is when yuan energy is at a perfect balance, having equal amounts of Qi and mana; it is considered very high quality. These players are then called a practitioner. Practitioners have a greater advantage of other players who cultivate and absorb energy from the universe, because they are able to use both types of energies.

Cultivation is the ability and the practice of absorbing energy from the universe. This energy then allows the player to modify their body, soul, abilities, and strength, extend life, and more. This is only a part of the vast wealth of information that Will gained about cultivation. He quickly absorbed the information. It suddenly occurred to Will that his level of intelligence had increased and that he was able to explore his own mind. His mind had become like a computer, able to process things faster, and perform calculations that he would not have been able to before.

Will went through the basic information over again in his mind. He then went through what was a manual that had been installed in his mind.

Will spoke aloud to himself,

"The Solitary Sword Sovereign, this is the cultivation technique I got. Players use cultivating techniques to gather energy and control it. The better the technique, the greater the quality and quantity of energy is that is cultivated. The type of technique determines what kind of energy can be harvested. For example, a player using ice techniques absorbs frost mana. A player using fire techniques absorbs flame Qi. Players who attempt to cultivate energy that does not correspond with the techniques used will be negatively affected."

Will became more eager to find out what type of cultivation technique he had received. His mind fell back into the information he was given to try and find out. With his eyes closed, sitting on his bed, he tried to read through The Solitary Sword Sovereign to see if his technique would be stated somewhere. Beads of sweat rolled from his face as he attempted to sift through the information, to no avail. After only a few minutes he opened his eyes.

"Damn!" Will exclaimed "I can only understand the beginning. It's too complicated."

To Will, it was as if he was trying to decode a cypher in a foreign language. What he did understand, however, was very useful. The dantian is a region two inches below the navel. This is where yuan is stored. Qi is stored in the body, mana in the mind and yuan in the dantian. There are thousands of spiritual veins transport energy to different areas of the body. Acupoints are places of intersection of the spiritual veins; a player can control these acupoints to direct energy. These energies and networks are not in the same dimensional plane as the physical body and do not interfere with the function of the body. Meridians are valve like points that exist along the network of spiritual veins. There are 20 meridians that are divided into two classifications, the Eight Gates, and the Twelve Doors. The amount of meridians that are unsealed in the beginning is a measure of a player's talent for harvesting energy. The more a player trains, the more doors they can open and the more control over energy they gain. The number of open gates never changes; it is fixed for each player. Gates are named according to the attributes that they modify and enhance.

Will had six doors unsealed and five open gates. Will's open gates were the Water, Spirit, Wood, Space and Metal gates. He would never be able to access his Fire, Earth and Taiji gates. The types of open gates allows for the potential to use abilities that have the attributes that the gates enhance. Will was only able to access the Water and Metal gates, because his abilities were still very limited. Nevertheless, he retained confidence that he would be able to access the other three gates as he improved his abilities and skills.

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