Literal Growth

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Will's mind churned at a high speed as he started to think about all the possibilities. The name god slayer was quite explanatory by itself.

'Of course I could be making assumptions.' Will looked at anti matter as an example.

'If it's like how antimatter is to matter, then this is serious' 

Wodin had seen that Will was arriving at the right conclusion. Nothing escaped his eye when it came to someone he gave personal tutelage. He was confident enough to stake his existence on that.

"You have probably compared it to the relationship between matter and antimatter. That would be a slightly inaccurate comparison."

'I will pretend as if that wasn't creepy at all.' Will was disgusted by how Odin had read his mind. He wasn't that good of a liar, but this was a bit scary.Few people liked being seen through so well. Just by standing there, Odin gave one the impression that he knew everything.

'Modus had a similar thing, except he was more towards insanity and tricks. But this guy, he is stable, very sane and direct. He isn't here to play games, which is funny, because a lot of Norse lore said Odin was a trickster. Loki had to get it from somewhere.'

"There are many mystical powers that beings are inherently born with. But certain abilities stand out. We call these abilities high tier abilities. Intent, the Breath and Truth are examples of such. They are part of a group called higher senses. Information on what they are isn't readily available in the mortal realm, let alone Lower Worlds like earth. 

But even among high tier abilities, a handful stand out above the rest. And it just so happens that anti divinity is one of them."

The moment Wodin stopped talking, a stream of information  started to enter Will's mind. This sensation was familiar to one when one learns a skill book, except it was not a book but a large library. 

"Flowing Tide Restriction Stage 2 has information you are meant to learn in stages. I have written everything I believe you need to learn in regards to mystic theory into pure information."

Will was stunned by what anti divinity was. 

'An energy source that is the bane of divine existences. Amazing. I still have to have a high enough cultivation to actually do damage, but this is huge!'

Will couldn't care less that he would be hunted down by deities if his identity as a god slayer came out. He was already on a tightrope with Empyrean Intents and being the Natural First Sovereign of Earth. Many people were already after him just because he existed. 

'Dwelling on the negatives is pointless. Although the reincarnation part is a bit scary, there is nothing I can do there.'

If an ordinary mortal died, they would reincarnate in another life, but if a god slayer was killed by a deity, then their soul would be obliterated. Will could never allow himself to die by a deitie's hand. 

'But on the other hand, I will always have the advantage in a fight against a being that uses divine power and is near my level.'

Divine power, like anti divinity, was one of the handful of peak powers that most people desired, because of its miraculous effects that defied common sense.

Odin continued on, "Most people in lower worlds cultivate using the wrong method. Assuming that the method to use to cultivate in the immortal realm is considered twenty-first century knowledge in an example, then your world would be one filled with cavemen that eat raw meat."

Will did not have the time nor the pride to feel offended, in fact, something within his mind told him that there was a good chance that the geezer was actually being lenient. Will severely disliked this feeling and intended to change it.'

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