Chapter 100: The System of Rights

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The system of rights. This was one of the most powerful abilities a user can have. When one became a King, Emperor or Sovereign for a certain amount of time, they would gain these abilities. The amount of time varies from person to person, and no one knew what criteria the system used, but according to Letty's understanding, the more talented a user was, the quicker they got to qualifying for a right.

A right was by effect, an ability that affected everyone within your domain. Take for example Golden Lord. He was the ruler of Africa in its entirety, thus if he did use a right, all of the users residing in Africa would be affected.

Different rulers had different rights. Kings only have one right and that is culture direction. When activated, this right allowed a King to roughly affect the type of classes new users would gain in his domain. That's all Letty knew about it. This was a rather vague description but it was all she knew about it. It was simply called the King's Right.

Emperors had 3 rights. They were called Mandates. Emperor's first, second and third Mandates. A Mandate had the ability to affect an entire continent's worth of people, whether they were in your domain or not. Only one continent can be targeted by one Mandate. The only Mandate that Letty knew was the Mandate of Execution. This was a list of users. Any User who killed anyone on that list would be given experience, as if they had killed a demonic beast. The experience given depends on the User killed, but the rewards were incredibly generous.

As Letty told Will about this Mandate earlier, hatred and anguish flashed in her eyes for a moment. Will saw this but pretended as if he had not.

Sovereigns had 5 rights, each called a law. But Letty knew only one law. The Call to Arms Law. It forcefully rallied the entire planet against a common enemy. And it could only be freely used by the First Sovereign. For the other two to use it they need an permission from another Sovereign.

According to Letty, behind Eridium there was a superpower, one which not only ruined her life, but trillions of lives across the galaxy. This super power had managed to convince her father to use the Mandate of Execution on her and her mother.

Long story short, during the first years of her life Letty and her mother were hunted down like prey. Due to the huge reward for their slaughter they were constantly on the run. Eventually Letty's mother had enough, and willingly gave herself up, in exchange for Letty's safety and her gaining the status of a princess.

Letty wanted to explain more but she started hyperventilating. Will noticed and calmed her down, understanding that this issue had indeed traumatized her.

'No wonder she wants her planet to be defeated.'

Letty had intense hatred for Eridium and its people, for the way she had been treated by them as a child. She didn't go into detail, but Will could tell that she must have suffered a lot while she was there.

To her Eridium wasn't a home, it was a prison, one which had taken her mother away. Will wasn't good at consoling, so he awkwardly hugged her and reassured her that he would help her gain vengeance on everyone responsible for this.

Will walked away from Letty with a pensive expression on his face. He had thousands of thoughts running through his mind. Many schemes were already at play. This information he had gotten from Letty was helpful. Although she didn't know how to activate a right, she knew someone who did. He was an information broker. Rumour had it that he became a broker due to a chance encounter with a King, and that the King had had informed him of the method. Letty had plenty on her plate and she herself was not familiar with any brokers. So he let her go. He decided to go get someone who help him out.

Will remembered someone he had encountered, and was on his way to find him, when he suddenly remembered an important question.

He turned back and said, "Letty what was the name of the super power pulling the strings."

Letty opened her lips and spoke the name. After she spoke she looked up and saw that Will's face had contorted in shock. She had never seen him with such an expression. She saw Will shake in excitement for only a moment, then saw a sly grin plastered on Will's face.

"So that's what Modus was planning, that son of a gun." Will mumbled, Letty heard his words and was confused, but before she could ask, Will was gone, like a ghost lost in the void.

"It's impossible for me to hear what they are saying in the hallway." Said Taiga.

He was in Alexa's room giving her a report. She had tasked Taiga with monitoring any strange changes in their environment, when he reported that there was suddenly a black spot in his radar.

Ninja type classes were best at assasination, infiltration and information gathering, so they had many means of understanding what was going on around them. Scouting was especially Taiga's specialty, so when Alexa heard that he could not tell what was happening in the hallway she was impressed.

According to Taiga, the hallway was laced in a water like energy. The moment his senses tried to penetrated it, ripples would form, absorbing his energy and not letting it out. This was ofcourse Will's water intent. It was one of the many uses Will had discovered for it. But Taiga didn't know that, so he assumed it was a skill that relied on qi or mana.

"The strange water like energy is meant to only deal with intangible things like light or sound. We can open the door and see for ourselves." Suggested Taiga.

Alexa waved her hands and walked toward a window and said, "No, its fine. This is probably Solitary's doing. He was also responsible for that odd phenomenon we experienced coming here. For now leave him, sooner or later he will properly be part of us, and we will know everything. Your dismissed."

"Understood." Taiga disappeared while Alexa grinned underneath her mask.

'Solitary Sword Sovereign, I will have you in my palms sooner or later.'

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