Chapter III

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𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓻𝓸𝓸𝓶 𝓲𝓼 pitch black. It has been since Sakura's arrival, and she's slowly going crazy. She can't even tell if her eyes are open or closed, or move her numb fingers anymore. At least, the icy draft has ceased, and with it, the uncontrollable shivers that used to run through her.

Sakura sighs, turns on her side, and leans her head on the ground, too preoccupied to register the softness of the earth beneath her, too busy regretting her past life. She should have been more caring and considerate. She should have worked harder.

If only she could start all over, she would right her wrongs with Sasuke, Naruto, and everybody else. She wouldn't waste her second chance.

But she doesn't deserve a second chance; she's beyond saving.

She curls up in a ball, tears running freely down her face.

The not-knowing part is the worst. Is there a way for her to make it all stop? And what is going on? Is this a nightmare, a genjutsu? Who's making all those decisions while she's stuck in that place? Running away? Jeopardizing the mission?

Who is in charge of her life?

Sakura wipes the tears away, then freezes.

Since when can she move her hands?


She opens her eyes at a startling touch on her shoulder, only to close them shut at the sudden blinding light. She tentatively peers through her long eyelashes when someone calls her name again.

Leaves of grass are poking out of the earth; on one of them, a ladybug opens and closes its wings. When it takes flight, Sakura gasps and sits up.

"Sakura? What happened?"

Her eyes zoom in on the familiar face of a black-haired boy. Uchiha Sasuke is kneeling in front of her, his deep scowl unable to cover his concerned frown.

She gasps again and throws herself at him, clinging to his characteristic blue shirt, her wide-eyed gaze staring at the Uchiha fan on his back.

"Is it real?" she whispers in his ear. "Is it really you?"

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