Chapter XV

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𝓢𝓪𝓼𝓾𝓴𝓮 𝓻𝓮𝓶𝓮𝓶𝓫𝓮𝓻𝓼 the last time he sat on that chair. He was eight years old and had just spent too many days at the hospital to want to be anywhere else but his home. But he had also just lost the only place he could call home, the only people making it home. Sasuke had nowhere else to go, so he sat on that chair and waited for Sarutobi Hiruzen to give him a new place to stay.

The situation in which Sasuke finds himself right now is different. He still has no proper place to call his home—his apartment suffices, but only for essential needs, like sleeping and eating. Not to mention that there is no way to revive his family; they are dead, and nothing can change that.

But he's not as lonely anymore. He's got a team full of annoying people, but after what they've been through together, he cannot say he doesn't enjoy having them around. It's not that he fancies them, but he revels in the shared experiences, the fact he's got people to trust, people that have his back. That's what Sakura did in Waves, frighteningly so.

The door to the Hokage's office opens, revealing an Anbu guard wearing a tiger mask. Sasuke stands tall, as his father taught him, and greets the man.

"Hokage-sama is ready to hear you, Sasuke-san."

Without a word, the black-haired boy follows the Anbu inside the round office. It's like he remembers it: clustered with too many ninja tools and dusty books, with something like steam obscuring the light from the closed windows. The large table still stands on one side of the room, and the mahogany desk hasn't moved from the centre.

When Sasuke enters, the Hokage isn't wearing his hat, and the lack of hair on the man's head takes the boy off guard. He never questioned Sarutobi Hiruzen's place as Konoha's strongest shinobi before. But he also never realized how old the man was.

As if sensing the boy's eyes on him, Hiruzen lays down the paperwork in his hands to look at his visitor.

"Uchiha Sasuke. To what do I owe the honour?"

"I wish to talk to you about something, Hokage-sama."

"Does it concern the mission in Waves?"

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