Chapter IX

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𝓣𝓱𝓮𝔂 𝓵𝓮𝓯𝓽 when the sun was still high in the sky; its light was bright and warm, and the only breeze felt heavy, suffocating. The buzzing of cicadas resonated all around the fields, covering the noises of the villagers' tools as they harvested the crops.

But now, the golden rays are piercing straight ahead through the tree leaves, and the icy wind that picked up half an hour ago sweeps away their warmth. Hana's ears quirk at twigs snapping, bushes wriggling or pebbles rolling, and the stubborn black-haired boy who's taken the lead annoys her to death.

"If we turn back now, there's still a chance to reach camp before nightfall."

Sasuke dismisses her and picks up his pace in the direction opposite to camp.

"Sasuke, please, this is ridiculous. Not only have we found nothing, but the more we keep going, the farther from camp and potential help we get."

The boy stops at last but keeps his back turned.

"I didn't force you to come," he mutters, and Hana rolls her eyes. "And I'm not asking you to stay. You can leave."

"And walk through all this by myself? In the dark? With the possibility of getting my head severed? No way. You're coming with me."

Sasuke turns to face her, eyes closing in annoyance. "I guess," he begins with a sigh, "that we won't find anything in the dark."

"Exactly," Hana replies with a satisfied smile, already backing up.

But then she stops upon noticing Sasuke's state. Still motionless, he clenches his fists, his arms straight on each side of his tensed body. There's a shadow in his dark eyes, and it feels like he's a hundred miles away.

After an awkward silence, Hana leans against a tree with a sigh. "Why do you care so much about the mission?"

He glances down with the same dark eyes but keeps silent.

"It's personal. Isn't it? You knew the guy... Or it reminds you of something."

With a sudden jerk, Sasuke pushes past her, retracing his steps, and Hana follows without a word, eager to return to camp.

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