Chapter XXI

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𝓗𝓮 𝓴𝓲𝓼𝓼𝓮𝓭 𝓱𝓮𝓻.

He did, right?

And she hadn't even had to lean forward, only watched, with widening eyes, as he initiated the movement.

And it was perfect—except for the circumstances, maybe. There were silver specks in his dark eyes, the light was dancing on his alabaster skin, and there weren't any creases marring his forehead. He looked at peace with the moment and what he was doing.

After a few seconds, she finally closed her eyes and enjoyed the moment. But she didn't dare to move, not knowing what to do, not wanting it to end.

She hopes Sasuke has enjoyed it as much as she did.

But like anything good in Sasuke's and Sakura's lives, it had been short-lived. And now, she wonders if there will ever be a part two, seeing as they are running right into their death.

As if summoned by her thoughts, the gates to Tanzaku village appear at the end of the meandering road. Before the black-haired boy can cross the always-open doors, Sakura holds him back by the wrist.

"We need a plan first," she answers his glare, her heart sinking.

"It's simple," he states, resuming his way to the main street. "We split up. The first to find something alerts the other with an explosion or something."

He glances up and down the street, his brows furrowed, then points to the left.

"You go that way."

Sakura nods, but before she can step forward, Sasuke stops her to bore his intense, dark eyes into hers.

"Don't engage in a fight with him. While you wait for me, let Naruto do what he does best: wasting time."

He releases her and turns to leave, so she sends him a whispered careful before he gets out of reach. Then, she makes her way through the buzzing streets, intent on finding her blond friend as fast as possible.

It doesn't take long for Sakura to realize Sasuke's actual plan: to push her away from the action. He's sent her to the residential part of the village, and since they've arrived right in the middle of a carnival, this part of town looks empty. But she doesn't let that deter her. After the initial frustration, Sakura calms her nerves with a big inhale and focuses on the sound coming out of the streets nearby. She lets her ears lead her to a place closer to Sasuke's part. Pretty ladies are chatting with older men on the side of the road with revealing outfits and painted lips, and most of the inns have red or pink signs raised up in the sky.

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