Chapter XVII

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𝓘𝓽'𝓼 𝓫𝓵𝓾𝓻𝓻𝔂 and green and brown everywhere.

It's blurry and green and brown, and her lungs are burning.

Sakura falls to her knees, a hand to her heart. The beating is hectic and reverberates through her entire body.

What is going on? Is she dying?

A loud gasp resounds, and she realizes she hasn't been breathing. But once air engulfs her lungs, her confused brain registers voices in the vicinity, one so close to her face she can feel the other person's breath blowing away strands of her hair.


She jerks her head up upon recognizing her name through all the nonsense, and two cerulean eyes filled with concern meet her gaze.

"Sakura-chan, can you hear me?"

She feels something squeeze her shoulder and peeks at it only to realize Naruto's hands are the only thing keeping her from collapsing to the ground.

"What's wrong with Pinky?"

She tenses at the familiar voice.

"Don't call her that."

"I'll call her anything I want. She's mine, Uchiha."

Naruto's touch leaves her, but she doesn't need it anymore and gets up, a hand to her throbbing head.

"Oi! Wait! We need a plan first!"

She notices her two teammates struggling against each other, but soon, her gaze drifts to the cause of their turmoils. A dark-haired teenager of around sixteen is standing on the other side, accompanied by a guy wrapped in bandages.

"Get off!"

Sasuke almost frees himself from Naruto's grip, but the blond pulls him back by the collar, cursing through gritted teeth.

"Since when do you care about plans, anyway? Do you even know what he did to her?"

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