Chapter XVI

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𝓘𝓽'𝓼 𝓫𝓮𝓮𝓷 a wonderful week. A week like no other.

Staring in the distance at the rice paddies, a hand shielding his eyes from the sun, Naruto reflects on the past seven days. He's never been on family vacations before, but he's sure that's how it feels: in absolute bliss, shrouded in love, surrounded by people that matter.

But it's now time to say goodbye, turn his back on that small hamlet and this magical week. And maybe that's why he feels so nostalgic. It has nothing to do with the peaceful streets he's leaving behind or the kindness of the villagers. It's all about the memories he built, the things he gained.

Naruto stretches his arms above his head and yawns.

"Careful, kid. You don't want to choke on one of those flies following you around."

The blond glances through his heavy eyelids at the man sitting cross-legged at his feet. His long white hair sways under the breeze, and a smirk stretches on his lips, creating a wave of wrinkles on his painted skin. Naruto snorts and sits by his side with a warmth in his belly that makes him giddy.

"Shut it, old geezer. I showered yesterday."

Jiraiya laughs.

"Took you long enough. You were repelling all the pretty ladies with your awful smell."

"Oi! It was the smell of hard work. Don't forget that!"

"Yeah, yeah," the man says, waving him off. "I'm certain Uchiha doesn't need your sensei's pleas to take a shower."

Naruto pouts and glares at the black-haired boy leaning against the shed.

"Who cares? He probably doesn't even sweat that much. I work harder."

Sasuke scoffs.

"In your dreams, dead last."

Naruto narrows his eyes when his teammate joins them on the grass, with a leg outstretched and another folded, his elbow hooked around his knee. The blond shifts position to copy the boy's posture and ignores Jiraiya's mocking snort.

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