Chapter XII

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𝓣𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮'𝓼 𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝓼𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓭 Sasuke hates more than anything in the world, and no, it's not Naruto yelling in the morning (although it is second in line.) The sound he's talking about isn't that intolerable. But it does something to his heart he cannot comprehend, and that's what he truly hates.

It's Sakura crying.

And right now, even though he feels disoriented and admittedly a little scared of what happened, of the black marks and losing control, his only desire is to end Sakura's pain.

Her nose is engulfed in the middle of his back, his shirt muffling some of her cryings, but they still resonate through his entire being, and he cannot take it anymore.

"Sakura-chan, are you okay?"

Mole kneels at their sides and extends a tentative hand toward the girl. But instead of easing her, the action provokes another wave of sobs. Sasuke sends him a glare before putting his hands on the girl's clenching ones.


The softness of his tone surprises him, and so does the gentle way he unravels Sakura's arms from his torso. The last thing he wants is to hurt her or startle her, and this feeling is so foreign to him. It's so different from the hate that consumed him only minutes ago.

He feels her breathing ease, and she sits back on her heels. This new position enables him to move again, and he hurries to face her, too curious. He needs to know if he's the reason behind those tears because everything is such a blur; he cannot recall the events precisely.

Perhaps he hurt her? Scared her?

He opens his mouth, but the words get stuck in his throat when he takes in her appearance.

She has a swollen eye, but not because of the continuous tears flowing out of it. Someone's been hitting her. A purple bruise is emerging on the right side of her jaw, where a big bump has already altered her pretty features. Sasuke's eyes trail further down, and a blush creeps to his face when he realizes she's not wearing her shirt anymore. But his embarrassment morphs into concern when he locates a big gash on her collarbone. The blood oozing out of it is soaking the bindings around her torso, giving them a crimson hue, as it does to the tip of her short hair sticking into it.

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