Chapter XI

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𝓢𝓪𝓴𝓾𝓻𝓪 𝔀𝓪𝓴𝓮𝓼 𝓾𝓹 to the chirping of birds and the first rays of light. She blinks, a hand rubbing the back of her sore neck, and her eyes trail to the ground. That's when she realizes she's fallen asleep seated. And then everything comes rushing back, her encounter with Orochimaru and their fight, and Sasuke's state.

As if summoned by her thoughts, the black-haired boy groans, calling Sakura to his side. She smooths his jet-black hair out of his face and realizing the wet towel on his forehead is too warm to do anything anymore, takes the cloth off and replaces it with her hand. Somehow, every time her skin comes in contact with his, Sasuke seems to relax. 

Her fingers run through his long, spiky hair and trail down to rest on his neck, right beside the weird symbol that took the spot of Orochimaru's fangs mark. With her thumb, she strokes the three dots. They remind her of Sasuke's sharingan, and she frowns.

Sakura doesn't know much about seals, but she's spent a lot of time at the library and can recognize one when she sees it. The real question is: what did Orochimaru seal inside Sasuke?

She wishes she had listened to the first part of the fight when Hana was in charge. But it's becoming harder and harder to stay awake in that prison. And every time Sakura returns from it, she feels a little less herself. This time is no exception. The fight has left her exhausted, and she cannot tell if it's because of her chakra-enhanced punch or the effect of the mind prison on her. She'll have to speak with Kakashi about this—if she ever gets out of her present predicament.

A quiet whimper leaves Sasuke's mouth, and Sakura notices tears rolling down his cheeks. She hurries to wipe them away with her thumb.

"Shhhhhh," she whispers. "You'll be just fine."

Then she empties the remnant of her water bottle on the discarded towel and applies it to his neck, right on top of his new seal.

"Don't worry, Sasuke-kun. I'm here, and I'll take care of you."

Sakura stares at his pitiful state for a while and detaches her eyes only when his tears recede and his frown ease. Then, she sits back on her heels and turns her gaze to the piece of paper resting at Sasuke's side.

Disappointed by the lack of information enclosed in it, Sakura had thrown it there at the beginning of the night. With a sigh, she picks it up again, hoping she's missed something the first few hundred times.

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