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Lee Y/n

I didn't noticed the I fell asleep right after we went home and I was awaken by the growls of the monsters inside my stomach. I look at the time and it was literally just 30 mins. ago since we came home. I rolled my eyes in annoyance but another roar was produced. I am really hungry right now.

I took off my uniform, changed into a hoodie, and a sweat pants. I decided to go out and find something to eat, in ceasing the war inside me.

I came out of my room and saw Yuna sitting on the couch wearing her pajamas, and a cotton bands on her head, holding papers, infront of her was a laptop and I guessed she's working on her lesson plan for tomorrow's classes.

"Hey. I will go out to buy something. Wanna come with me?" I asked.

"Pass. I need to study my lessons for tomorrow. I also need to prepare my presentation. You can go, just take care." She answered without even looking at me. I laughed at her situation, and I only heard her hissing.

"Okay. I will." I answered and came out of our apartment, and walked my way to the convenience store.

"It's so cold." I felt the cold breeze embracing me even though I am wearing a hoodie and sweatpants, a sign that winter is approaching.

After a minute of walk, I finally arrived in the convenience store. The staff welcomed me, so I smiled at him. I go straight to the instant noodle section, I got excited as I saw different kinds of noodles. I scanned the whole corner and saw my favorite ramyeon, I smiled. I also got my self a cola and headed straight to the cashier.

My eyebrows furrowed as I heard a commotion between the staff and a costumer pleading for his issue, that I still don't know.

"Please. I live two blocks away from this store. I will comeback here tomorrow to pay this. I just left my wallet on my dorm. Please I am really starving right now." The man who I guess 160cm tall, wearing a cap, a shirt and a mask in this cold night, pleading the clerk.

"I am sorry sir but you can just leave the food here, go to your house, get your wallet, comeback here and there you go, you can get all of this after you pay me. I am not a fool to let you leave this place with all of this without paying. I'll lose my job. I am sorry sir. Just leave if you don't have money. So if you don't mind, move away because there's a costumer who'll PAY" The clerk said emphasizing the word PAY with the hint of irritation in his voice. The person in front looked and scanned me, then look back at the clerk.

Looking at the man, he looks very expensive. I mean, his looks really screams wealthiness and I don't understand why he's pleading over some instant cheesy tteokbokki when in fact he could just leave the packs here and go back with his money.

"Please sir, please let me-----"

"I SAID NO! JUST GET OUT!!!" the clerk finally burst his anger out. "IF YOU DON'T HAVE MONEY WITH YOU THAT'S YOUR PROBLEM. DON'T-----" okay that's it.

"Uhm, I will pay for him." I cut off the clerk. Just to finish this argument. I just really wanted to eat now.

The man and the clerk looked at me like 'are-you-crazy?' I just smile and nod.

"Are you sure ma'am?" The clerk asked me and I just give him a reassuring smile.

The man seems he's still in shock and just looked at the clerk punched for his item.

After I paid the food I bought and his, I handed him the pack of tteokbokki.

"Are you gonna eat here? Or you're going home?" I asked him and smiled.

"Ah, t—thank you. I— uh I will go home. I am not comfortable eating here." He said stuttering.

Even if I look closely, I can't see his face clearly. My mom used to tell me don't talk to strangers but this man, I know he's not 'that' kind of stranger. I guess?

Kang Taehyun

"Are you gonna eat here? Or you're going home?" She asked while smiling.

"Ah, t—thank you. I- uh I will go home. I am not comfortable eating here." I said stuttering. I bit my lower lips in embarrassment.

I never pleaded in my life but I just did right now, and worst, only just for a pack of instant tteokbokki Great tyun, great.

"You're not comfortable here? I know a place where we can eat this. It's private and there's no people who'll look at us."

Eh? I should go home. What if she'll recognize me? I can't eat wearing a mask.

"Uh no. I really need to go home. I'll pay you next time if I see you. I promise." I said and bow lightly ready to leave the place.

"No. You don't need to pay me. Just accompany me. I would love to be with someone while eating. If you don't mind, please?" She said clasping both of her hands while smiling at me.

What to do? I just can't leave her after she saved my life inside the convenience store and paid my food. I can hid my face tho, or just ask her to keep this secret? Nevermind.


"Yay! Let's go. I swear you will love there. But let's cook this first." She said smiling widely. She started walking away so I followed her reluctantly, silently praying to end this day peaceful.

 She started walking away so I followed her reluctantly, silently praying to end this day peaceful

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