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Lee Y/n's POV

"Come on, pick up the phone." I said walking back and forth while crying trying to reach Yeonjun.

Yuna and Jaster were sitting on the couch while looking at me worriedly. It's been an hour since I tried to call him but still no response.

I sat down and covered my face. I don't feel good right now. Who would be? I'm getting anxious with the situation, also because I didn't even hear a single word from Yeonjun.

"Come on, you need to take a rest. Maybe Yeonjun are doing something for this. You don't have to worry. He promised right? You need to trust him. Please take a rest." Yuna said patting my back for comfort. They both guided me to my room. I laid down on my bed and began to fall asleep.


I am here at my room doing nothing but to cry. It's been a week since the rumor spread out, but no signs of Yeonjun. I tried calling him no one knows how many times. He didn't even messaged me asking if I'm fine.

As I was thinking about it, tears started to fall from my eyes again. I'm loosing hope. I'm so scared. Scared of many things that was running on my mind. I'm starting to doubt him, his words, his promises.

"Y/n! Y/n! Come out! You need to see this! It's Yeonjun!" Jaster knocked on my door aggressively. I was startled, but when I heard his name. My heart beats faster, I felt I rose from the dead. I plastered a smile and hurriedly got out of the door hoping Yeonjun was outside waiting for me.

But when I got out, I saw them looking at the TV. I saw Yeonjun and the rest of his members sitting in front of many cameras and reporters.

I sitted in between the two and they held my hands, I looked at them and they were smiling at me. I smiled back at them thinking, maybe this is the reason why Yeonjun didn't visit nor messaged me. I was anticipating at their media conference.

When the camera focused on Yeonjun, I saw him lose weight, his eyes looked tired, I know he's not well.

"Soobin-ssi. How was your preparation to your comeback? How is it going." A reporter asked and the camera focused him. He smiled and started talking.

"We worked very hard for it. MOAs are really excited for our comeback so we did our best to work it out perfectly." He answered confidently and all the people there nod at him.

"Yeonjun-ssi, Is it true that you were dating a non-showbiz woman?" A reporter asked him. People were surprised by the sudden question but they were waiting for his answer.

Yuna and Jaster held my hand tightly as we wait for his answer. My heart was beating so fast that you can even hear it. He paused for a moment and smiled. I saw hope in his smile, butterflies were roaming around my stomach.

"No." He answered that leaves the crowd in 'oh'

I, Yuna and Jaster's mouth leaves in agape. Tears were streaming down my face. I know, he'll deny it. It's not good for their career. But what I don't understand is, why he didn't talked to me about it.

"I'm not dating anyone. I don't have time for that. The rumors are not true. Why would I date an ordinary woman when I can date any from the showbiz? Please, stop spreading rumors about me dating. If I will get myself a date, I would be the one to announce it." He said blankly. Giving out no emotions at all.

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