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Lee Y/n's POV

The day went fast. I didn't even notice that it is already dismissal. I went to the faculty room and saw Yuna and Jaster waiting for me. I walked towards my table and arranged my things.

"Hey Y/n, are you okay?" Jaster tapped my shoulders and I looked at him. He stared at me worriedly, same as Yuna.

"Yeah. Yes. Of course. Why?" I answered smiling looking at Jaster and Yuna back and forth. They looked at each other signaling something, when Yuna spoke.

"You've been spacing out the whole day. You didn't even finished your lunch earlier." She said still looking at me worriedly.

I smiled at them and got all my things, "I'm fine. There's no need to worry about. Let's go." I said, then started to walk away, when I realized they didn't follow me, I looked back at them and they were standing still, looking at me.

"What? Let's go!" I said irritated, Yuna and Jaster rolled their eyes in sync.

"Bitch you're not really okay. Put down those things, it's not yours. It's Ms. Young's." Yuna said.

I looked at the bag i'm holding and saw that it wasn't mine, my eyes widened. On cue, someone tapped my back, as I take a look who it was, I saw Ms. Young laughing.

"Ms. Lee can I have my bag back?" She chuckled. I smiled at her apologetically and handed her, the bag.

I looked at Yuna and Jaster and they still have their worried eyes on me. They handed me my bag and lead me out of the faculty room.

"It's okay. Let's go home. I think you need some rest." Jaster said and he smiled at me making me smiled back.

I know I was spacing out the whole day because of that one message I have received this morning. I asked sign, so I believe that it is it. It is what I was thinking about the whole time.

My phone vibrated and my heart skipped vigorously as I am starting to sweat coldly. I stopped walking that made Yuna and Jaster stop as well. They looked at me and I just smiled at them slightly.

I took out my phone from my bag and read the message I received.

👤: I'll wait for you outside, take your time. :)

"What is it?" Yuna asked

I sighed and put back my phone at my bag. I looked at Yuna and Jaster smiling slightly.

"You go home first I need to go somewhere. Don't expect me for dinner and I might be late." I said. They refused at first but they agreed at the end.

We headed out of the university. I saw a familiar figure not that far from the entrance of the school. He was leaning his back on a car while patiently looking at the bonsais. Seconds later, he looked at my direction and met my eyes. He stood up straight and walked towards me, smiling from ear-to-ear.

Yuna and Jaster noticed that I stopped walking so they walked back to check up on me and looked where I was looking. I heard them gasping an air and Jaster jumped slightly out of excitement.

"Now I get it. This is your reason why you're spacing out the whole time. It is because your having your first date, aren't you?" Jaster teased me and Yuna played along with him. I glared at them and they shutted off their mouth yet they didn't stop whispering to each other while exchanging meaningful glances.

THE FATE THAT WE WROTE (Choi Yeonjun X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now