chapter 8

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talia had a normal next day. she had class, avoided draco, talked to michael, pansy, ron, harry, hermione and avoided draco some more. she hadn't forgotten about their tutoring lesson they had setup, but she didn't plan on going. that was until the same owl from two days before flew at her open window and dropped off a note.

i know your mad, and you have every right to be. but let me make it up to you.
meet me at the astronomy tower in 5.

"another note from draco?" pansy asked, shooing off the owl. talia shoved the note in her pocket, a little frustrated.

she was annoyed at how draco had just assumed she would show up for him. she decided to show up, but it wouldn't be for him. it was because she wanted to learn more about her abilities and what she could do with her magic. not for draco.

"three nights a week, pansy." she said.

she got up from her bed and angrily stomped over to the door, not bothering to grab a jacket. she wasn't planning to stay very long.

once she finally got to the tower, she saw draco standing over the edge with his back facing the door. he still managed to know when she walked in.

"the stars at this time of night are brilliant." draco said, looking up. talia crossed her arms over her chest. she wasn't here to look at the stars.

"are you gonna teach me how to cast a spell or not?" she asked him. he didn't say anything for a second, but turned his head to look at her over his shoulder.

"well, don't just stand there. come look." he commanded, ignoring her comment.

she rolled her eyes and let her feet drag her to stand next to him. when she got close enough, she saw how his hands were folded over the railing of the tower and he was actually looking up at the stars. she followed the directions of his eyes and looked up, seeing a constellation she didn't recognize. she hated to admit it, but he was right. the stars are brilliant this time of night.

"oh, wow. what constellation is that?" she asked.

"i don't remember what it's called. but, you can only see it from this tower at night." he informed her. tal stopped looking at the constellation and turned her eyes to meet draco's.

"how's that even possible?" she asked him. he smirked.

"magic." he answered.

she looked away from him, looking back up to try and find more shapes out of the stars. he moved his eyes away from the sky and looked at her. she didn't notice.

"tal, i'm sorry for how i spoke to you. i didn't mean a word of it. i was just frustrated about the game and you were there for me to take it out on." he told her. she looked away from the sky and turned her head to the ground.

"that doesn't make it okay." she said. he nodded, his jaw clenched.

"no, i know. but i'm sorry." he said.

"it's okay." she shrugged.

draco was feeling weird. for some reason, he was able to look at her when she first walked in. now, he couldn't. he felt too bad for what he said, calling her useless and stupid stuff that wasn't even true. and now, she was just forgiving him because she's so much more caring and forgiving than anyone he's ever met.

"i'm such a dick." he muttered to himself, rubbing his hands in his face as he thought out loud. talia laughed.

"yeah, you are." she said, looking at him. she didn't feel bad, he was kind of a dick.

he laughed, knowing he deserved that.

"so what are you gonna teach me?" tal sighed, turning around and facing the planets. she pulled out her wand, and he was more than happy to move on.

"lumos." he said, drawing his wand as well. he started to get confused when she giggled.

"i already know that one." she said. he raised his eyebrows.

"have you been practicing?" he asked, surprised. she rolled her eyes playfully.

"don't act so surprised. teach me something else." she suggested.

draco thought for a moment before speaking up again.

"okay, fine. accio." he said. talia furrowed her eyebrows, never hearing of such a spell.

"what?" she asked. draco chuckled at her cluelessness and performed the charm, which made her wand fly out of her hand.

"that is so cool." she said, walking over and grabbing her wand back from him. he kept the smirk on his face, ready to show her how to perform it.

he stepped behind her. her wand was in her hand, so he took his hand to show her how to move the wand. his head was hovering above her shoulder, his mouth right at her ear.

"you're going to move your wand like this." he said, moving her hand in an upside down half circle.

the way he stood behind her and talked in her ear gave tal small butterflies in her stomach, but she tried her best to suppress them. if any guy did this to her, she would get butterflies. it wasn't just because of malfoy.

draco knew exactly what he was doing. when he pulled away, he tried his best to cover his smirk from her suddenly blushed cheeks.

"take my wand from my hands with the charm." he told her. she nodded and separated her feet slightly, doing exactly as he told her too.

"accio." she said, staring at his wand.

"try again." he told her. she did, but again nothing happened.

"you're holding your wand too tight." she said, glancing up at him for a second.

"tal, if i hold it any looser i'll drop it. just try again." he said, staring at her. she waited a second, starting to get discouraged after it didn't work for a third and fourth time.

she was just about ready to give up until she did it for a fifth time. instead of just draco's wand being pulled towards her, draco's entire body rushed at her quickly. so quickly, he was unable to stop himself as he landed on top of her.

they were both out of breath from the impact, talia looking up at him from the floor as he looked down at her. neither of them said anything, they just stared at each other in the eyes.

draco could feel talia's breasts against him through their shirts, and she could feel his dick. it made both of them think about...other things. they were interrupted before they heard a zap come from talia's wand. it scared talia, so she grabbed onto draco and pulled him closer without thinking. he looked down at her again, admiring her beauty before they snapped out of each other's gazes.

"um...there must be something wrong with my wand." talia said, draco not getting off of her.

"i think it's you..and you're...magic." he said, staring into her eyes.

"draco?" she asked.

"what?" he questioned.

"you can get off of me, now." she said.

draco looked down at the position they were in and nodded. he didn't really want to get off of her, but he didn't know that at the time.

"we should..." talia dragged out, a little flustered.

"get back to the common room?" draco asked, flustered as well. he cleared his throat and smoothed out his clothes, handing talia her wand.

"mhm." she said, leaving the astronomy tower.

again, they both walked back to their dorms in silence. neither of them dared to utter a word.

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