chapter 21

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thunder and lightning boomed from the tower, making talia shiver. she should have brought a jacket, but was too much of in a hurry to get to the tower to think about it.

she looked around, seeing no one. it was weird not having draco there, but she didn't have time to think about that. talia had been waiting for this night for a while.

she walked over to the edge and found the small box her and malfoy had been keeping their supplies for the process. every sunrise and sundown since she put the leaf away in the vial with the chrysalis of a death's head hawk moth, she had been saying the incantation "amato animo animato animagus". she knew she had done everything right when she looked at the vial and saw a mouthful of blood red potion inside of it.

she smirked down at the vial and stood up, staring at the sky. all talia had to do now was say one last incantation before she turned.

"is everything ready?" a familiar voice at the front of the room asked. talia turned around and saw draco standing there, staring at her.

"draco? what are you doing here?" she asked. he had his hands shoved into his pockets and was dressed in a hoodie and sweats, which looked far more warmer than talia's leggings and tank top.

"you didn't think i'd forget, did you?" he asked.

"no. i just thought..." she said, not finishing her sentence.

draco nodded and walked closer to where talia was standing.

"i know what you thought. but this can be incredibly dangerous, and i'm not about to take the risk of you being alone for it." he explained.

talia nodded, and looked at him one last time before turning around. when she did turn away from him, she couldn't help but smile. she was so happy he was there, but nervous at the same time. what if he was disgusted by whatever she turned into?

there was no going back now.

talia placed the tip of her wand against her heart.

"amato animo animato animagus." she said. she reached down and grabbed the vial, drinking the potion inside of it.

at first, nothing happened. then, talia let out a small shriek of pain at the fieriness sensation that built up inside of her. as she did, she leaned forward and held onto the railing, her wand falling out of her hands by draco's feet. her hair started to get wet from the rain that came in as her head barely dipped out of the tower roof.

"talia!" draco said, shoving her wand away and running to hold talia up.

suddenly, tal's heartbeat doubled. she couldn't control her thoughts as she sunk deeper toward the floor, the image of a snake popping up in her head.

"you mustn't show fear. you'll be fine! just don't be afraid." draco said, kneeling down at talias side. she let out another groan of pain.

and then the pain was gone.

there, in front of draco, hissed the biggest snake he had ever seen. he fell down in fear and pure horror at the sight, seeing it rise and hold its fangs up to the air.

talia wasn't in control of herself. she didn't know how to.

"talia, stop! stop it!" draco tried, attempting to kick the ginormous snake out of way. unfortunately, his attempts were failing.

the snake picked its head up and raised itself in front of draco's frame, hissing and snarling it's fangs. it got directly in front of his face, draco cringing and waiting for the impact of fangs breaking his skin and venom plunging through his veins.

but the impact never came. because suddenly, in that moment, talia gained insight on who she was. she imagined her human form in as much detail as possible, and suddenly kneeled before draco when she fell face first into his lap.

"talia! fuck. merlin's beard." draco sighed, rubbing her back and helping her sit up. he examined her, talia out of breath and too ashamed to look up.

"are you alright?" he asked. she looked down at her hands, clothes and body and nodded.

"i think so." she panted.

she looked at the position her and draco were in and stood off of the floor, picking up her wand. she brushed herself off and so did draco, both of them processing.

"i can't believe it worked. talia, this is amazing. we just have to log your personal details and appearance on the animagus registry. but you can turn into a snake. it's incredible!" draco smiled. he grabbed talia's arm, but noticed her watery eyes when she looked at him. he furrowed his eyebrows grabbed her chin.

"talia..." he said, trying to ask what was wrong.

"i didn't mean to scare you. i'm sorry. i..i'm going to scare people. i don't want to." she said.

it wasn't just the fact that she turned into a giant snake. it was that on top of her being voldemorts daughter. everything was starting to sink in. if anyone found out, who knows what they'd think?

especially draco.

"you didn't-"

"yes i did. i saw it in your eyes, draco. you were horrified of me." tal cut him off. she felt ashamed in her own skin.

draco nodded his head.

"you're right; i was scared. i was horrified. but you were able to control yourself and stop yourself from hurting me. and even though i was scared at first, you turning is incredible. and i am so proud of you. this task is super tough, otherwise more wizards would be doing it. it's a huge accomplishment." he said.

he held talia's head for one more second before pulling her into his chest, wrapping his arms around her.

"you're never going to scare me away." he whispered.

talia only hoped draco would keep his promise when she revealed the truth to him about her parents.

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