chapter 27

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the holiday season was coming to an end, and talia was sad to see it go. her and draco had an amazing time together, mostly by themselves in the castle and forgetting about the world around them.

they threw snowballs at each other by the great lake, and even made a snowman. they drank butter beer at the leaky couldron, and practiced talia turning into a snake in the astronomy tower. she was able to fully control herself now, and was getting better at turning without a wand.

draco added new memories to his ring as the days went on.

talia could confidently say this was one of the best christmases she's ever had, and she was proud to say that was because of draco. her feelings for him were growing more and more everyday, becoming stronger and stronger.

and, as much time as they spent together and as much fun talia's had, they were excited to welcome back all of their friends back to the castle. talia was finally able to exchange gifts with all of them, as well, which she had been looking forward to.

pansy bought talia a new bottle of parfume, hermione bought her a necklace, ron bought her a pair of slytherin socks with matching mittens, and harry bought her an embroidered case for her wand when she's sleeping. she was greatful for all of her gifts.

unfortunately, ron got into a minor accident with love potion chocolates that were meant for harry, so he ended up in the infirmary. hermione and harry were on their way when they ran into talia walking the opposite way towards the room of requirement, where she was meant to meet draco.

"talia! hey." harry called out toward the girl. talia looked up and smiled at him and hermione, the three students walking to greet each other.

"hey, guys. what're you up to?" she asked. she noticed hermione's worried look, and got a little nervous.

"ron got into an accident with some stupid love potion. we're on our way to the infirmary now." hermione answered. talia raised her eyebrows and swallowed.

"love potion? is he okay?"

hermione nodded.

"he should be. but we wanted to check on him." she said.

harry looked curious.

"what are you up to tal?" he asked. again, talia swallowed.

"oh, just..going to the library." she nodded. she couldn't tell them she was going to meet draco in the room of requirement, so she had to come up with an excuse.

"but..the library's that way." harry said, pointing in the direction him and hermione were walking. talia turned and looked, then nodded.

"yes, it is. i was, um, just taking a little detour around the castle. i love the scenery and views. can't get that in the states." she chuckled, nervously laughing. hermione and harry looked at each other, but hermione shook her head, not thinking much of talia's odd behavior.

"right. well, we really must get going. ron's probably waiting for us." she mentioned worriedly, being honest. she really did want to see him.

talia nodded as well. harry looked down, and noticed the necklace she was wearing that draco had given to her.

harry knew it was draco's ring.

"right. night, guys." she said, walking away.

she wiped her forehead and hurried off, heading in the direction of the room of requirement. before she got all the way there, though, she saw draco making his way there as well.

"hey.." he said. she smiled up at him a sad smile.

they're moods were both down because of the reason they had to go to the room of requirement. talia didn't know exactly why draco was fixing the cabinet, she just knew it was apart of his task for voldemort. and, it was only because she cared about him so much that she was going with him.

plus, draco's mood would already be down going here. he'd rather it be down with talia, and he didn't care it that was selfish of him.

they walked to the room of requirement in silence, opening it together. when they made their way inside, draco pulled down the tarp he had covering the vanishing cabinet.

then, he pulled out a bird. talia sat on a couch nearby, watching him closely.

then, her mind started to wander.

why the hell did draco need to transport a bird, something living, through the cabinet?

draco's breathing altered as he put the bird in, shut the door, and listened carefully for the birds chirping to stop. he had to look over at talia to calm him down, and after he did and took a deep breath, he opened the cabinet again.

there the bird layed, dead.

draco couldn't control himself when the tears welted up in his eyes and started to fall down his face. talia got up and walked over to him quickly, extremely concerned. she put her hands out before she reached him, draco meeting her halfway and immedietly letting his head fall into her neck as she held him, crying.

she looked at the cabinet and saw the dead bird laying there, her own eyes tearing up as well. she had to force them closed and focus on draco to stop herself from having a fit.

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