chapter 36

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talia came out of the darkness, holding her wand in dumbledore's direction.

this was her fathers doing, and she felt the need to take responsibility for it. she was going to do his dirty work, and she didn't care if she went down for it if it saved draco from doing something he would regret forever.

"it couldn't be..." bellatrix said, stepping slowly to talia with eyes wide. talia looked at her, ignoring draco's stare.

"talia, you need to get out of here. go!" he said. talia heard greyback grunt behind her, and bellatrix's finger traced talia's face. she smiled at her wickedly, admiring the girl.

"after all this time. the girl is alive!" bellatrix snickered. she clapped her hands and ran to the edge of the tower.

"she's alive! the girl is alive! voldemorts daughter is alive!" the woman cheered.

talia knew harry had heard everything. he now knew talia was voldemort's kid.

"what the hell are you doing? leave! you shouldn't be here!" draco told the girl next to him, both of their wands pointed at dumbledore.

tears flowed down talia's cheeks as she thought about what she was about to do. if voldemort was capable of committing the horrible crimes he had done, talia should be able to take draco's place for this. it should be her instead of him. it was in her blood.

"'re a wise girl." dumbledore said. talia shook her head.

"don't talk. don't make this hard for me, i beg of you." she cried.

bellatrix bit on her fingers now, watching with anticipation.

"do it!" she yelled.

"please..." dumbledore begged.

talia let out a cry.

"god forgive me."

she heard snape come into the room behind her.

"talia!" he yelled.

"no!" draco yelled as well, seeing her lips part.

"avada kedavra." talia whispered, her eyes closed.

it felt as if things were moving in slow motion. green light flew out of tal's wand, sending albus dumbledore over the edge of the astronomy tower to his death. talia fell down to her knees in a sob, draco catching her in his arms.

bellatrix cheered and ran to the edge of the tower, shooting magic into the sky with a scream. snape wrapped his arms around both draco and talia, leading them off with the rest of the deatheaters.

they walked through the castle, everyone with their heads up besides talia. draco held her close to him, knowing he had failed.

they walked through the great hall, bellatrix stepping on glasses and tables. she threw magic out of her wand, and it destroyed the chandeliers above. draco wrapped his arm around talia to shield her from the glass that flew around them.

bellatrix then led them through the forest to hagrid's house.

"hagrid! hello?" she taunted.

"talia! talia!" talia heard. her, draco and snape turned around to see harry standing there, running over to her angrily.

"he trusted you! i trusted you! we all did!" harry yelled.

bellatrix lifted her wand to set hagrid's house on fire with a yell. talia cried out, and draco held her back. she got up quickly, though, seeing harry with his wand in his hand.

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