chapter 9

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on friday, it was time for talia and draco to meet at the astronomy tower for the last time this week.

something about this session, however, was different. talia could have sworn that on her way up she heard two professors she didn't know talking about the quidditch world cup. one of them seemed like they were crying.

"finally. you're here. could you be any less punctual?" draco asked, looking up at tal as she finally reached the tower. she didn't really care about his little insults, though. her mind was off wondering what those professors were talking about.

"malfoy, whats the quidditch world cup?" she asked. he smirked, happy to talk about something that interested him. he then quickly remembered what happened at the last event.

"it's a competition where countries around the world play quidditch and compete for the world cup." he said, shoving his hands into his pockets. even though the two stood on opposite sides of the tower, he could see her confused expression and her trying to understand.

"so, it's almost the like super bowl?" tal asked. this time, he was the one with the confused expression.

"i don't know what that is." he said. she chuckled, remembering it was an american muggle thing.

"right." she nodded.

"why do you ask?" he wondered.

"i heard some professors talking about it while i walked up here. they sounded upset." she explained. they unintentionally started walking closer to each other.

"at the last event for the world cup, there was a group of people that raided the tents. there's some conspiracies on who it was, but some people believe it was the works of..." draco informed, fading out his last sentence.

"the works of who?" talia asked. draco gulped, and talia got a little worried.

"voldemort." he said. tal nodded.

"oh, yeah. i read about him on some wizard history books before i came here. he's the reason harry has that scar." she thought, remembering a book she had picked up at diagon alley. she picked up lots of books on hogwarts, and voldemort happened to be a topic in quite a few of them.

draco looked away and at the view. she followed his eyes, not seeing anything in the sky. her attention was directed back towards him when he spoke up again.

"right, then. come here. we need to be serious about this next spell. meaning, i really should talk to you about it first before we perform anything." he said. he motioned for her to come closer and sat down on the floor, making her chuckle.

"what?" he asked.

"nothing. i just never thought i'd see the day  malfoy sat criss cross applesauce in front of my feet." tal giggled. draco rolled his eyes and patted the empty floor in front of him.

"cmon. we really need to be serious." he told her. she nodded and sat down.

"what spell is it?" talia questioned.

"animagus spell." he answered. she gave him a confused look, which he had expected.

"i think i read up on that, too. correct me if i'm wrong. but, an animagus is a witch or wizard that can turn into an animal whenever they want." she said, trying to make sure she was remembering correctly. he raised his eyebrows and smirked, kind of surprised.

"wow. maybe, riddleson, you're not as dumb as you look." draco teased. she squinted her eyes and pointed her wand at him, several small green flickers coming out of the the tip of it. malfoy flinched from it, making talia laugh.

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