chapter 17

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talia had slept so well that night, she woke up in the same position she fell asleep in; wrapped up tight in draco's arms, her face in his chest.

she tried to untangle herself from him, but he held her tighter.

"merlin's beard. fuck, talia. go back to bed. it's way too early." draco mumbled. talia shook her head.

"as much as i want to, we have class soon. plus, it'd be good for both of us to try and grab some breakfast." she said.

eventually, after a struggle, talia broke free of draco's grasp and walked over to a watch draco had by the rest of his jewelry. he didn't have a clock in his room, so the watch was the only way tal could see what time it was.

"talia! come back to bed!" draco moaned, hitting the side of his bed with his one hand. when talia saw it was 9:34, she gasped.

"draco, get up! we slept in." tal said. draco cringed and pulled his blankets over his head. talia rolled her eyes and pulled them off of him, grabbing his hands and making him sit up.

"its 9:30, come on." she pushed. draco let out a groan, but got up nonetheless.

talia turned to walk to her own dorm to quickly get dressed. when she did, she met up with draco back in the common room.

"you waited for me?" she asked, seeing there was no one else there since they were all in class and draco was ready before her. he nodded.

"of course i did."

he opened up the door, letting talia walk out first. they headed towards snapes room for potions. when they walked into the classroom, all eyes were on them.

"ms. riddleson and mr. malfoy. glad to see you finally joining us at...9:46 a.m. perhaps a watch should be included with your robes. maybe then you will learn how to arrive at class in time." snape said, glancing over at the clock, then back at the two students.

"sorry, professor. it won't happen again." tal said. she hated having everyone staring at her, especially because she walked in with draco and they both looked so disbelieved. they were all probably assuming the worst.

"do you have a good excuse for being late?" snape wondered. talia saw draco smirking, and she nudged him in the side.

"don't you dare." she whispered.

"well, professor, we sort of...lost track of time." draco explained, a few students laughing. hermione looked around nervously, and so did ron.

snape brought his hand to his desk and slammed it, quieting the students.

"detention for you both." he said, never having changed his expression and looking around the room.

talia glared at draco before leaving his side to take a seat. he sat down next to blaise, who gave his friend a handshake when he sat down.

"talia! what were you thinking?" hermione whispered as soon as talia sat down. tal shook her head.

"we didn't have sex. i just woke up late." tal whispered back. ron, who was sitting in front of them, turned around.

"i haven't seen snape that mad since neville knocked over that bottle of crocodile hearts." he said. hermione kicked his chair, making him turn around.

"thank you, ron. that's was very helpful. really." tal said sarcastically.

"talia...harry wanted to talk to you after class. me and ron are going to meet up with him. are you able to come with us?" hermione wondered, pulling out a textbook. talia looked over at her, curious.

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