disclaimer *please read*

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i just felt obligated to write this bc i started this book a while ago and have just recently started writing again and when i looked back and read it i noticed a few things

1.) this book is not accurate to the books or films when it comes to the timing of events and little details. it's not enough to drastically change the storyline or anything tho so dw its not that big a deal, but chapter one is supposed to pick up around the same time as the half blood prince

2.) i started writing this when draco was trending on tiktok. it's not supposed to be a hogwarts student story, it's supposed to be a draco malfoy story. some things aren't completely accurate if u were actually a student at hogwarts, it's meant to be focused on the character and draco falling in love

3.) there's gonna be cursing and hopefully sex scenes. just wanted to say that in case anyone's triggered or anything

4.) the first few chapters r kinda slow and weird but it picks up

5.) chapter 32 is all smut, u can skip it

6.) if u see any typos please let me know (for this and any other story i have). i won't take offense to it at all, you'll just help me improve my story to make it better :)

that's it

love u all!

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