chapter 32

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draco and talia couldn't pull themselves apart from each other. they kissed all the way until they got to draco's dorm, where he layed her down on the bed carefully.

he kissed down her neck, sucking and nibbling as he made his way down talia's body. his hands made their way to the waistband of tal's pants. he quickly ripped them off of talia and threw them on the floor. he did it so fast opposed to how slowly his lips were moving, it made talia gasp out loud.

his hands then went up to her top and took it off, leaving talia in her bra and panties, draco starting to take them off, as well. he saw her beginning to get a little shy at how he stared and admired her. this was the part she was nervous for.

"'re so fucking beautiful, talia." he whispered against her skin, making talia blush and assuring her with honesty.

draco sat over tal's body and stared down at her, unbuttoning his shirt to reveal his stomach. talia couldn't resist him, and sat up to pull him back down.

tal was surprised she was being so confident, it made her let out a giggle. draco smirked into the kiss and started taking his pants off, throwing them on the floor by tal's own clothes and not caring where they were.

they continued kissing until draco started making his way down again, making eye contact with talia with every kiss. talia wasn't expecting him to start kissing her pussy like he was, so she let out a gasp.

"draco.." she said. draco moaned into her.

he let his tongue escape his lips and graze on talia's clit gently. he did this a few times before slowly applying more pressure, getting talia wetter by the second.

talia's back arched from the pleasure draco was giving in between her legs. he was hitting her sweet spot with just his mouth, and she couldn't control it when her hand made its way to his head, keeping him in place.

she felt herself getting closer, and draco did, too. her thighs began to close. she tried to pull away, but he put his hands on either side of her and held her to his mouth.

"talia...come for me. please, princess." draco mumbled.

between draco begging for it, him calling her princess, and the overwhelming feeling of draco's tongue, talia couldn't take it anymore. she let herself come for him, into his mouth like he asked.

talia came so hard she started pulsating, having little spasms that made draco chuckle. his brought his lips to her own and let her taste herself on him, which she's never done before.

to say draco was hard was an understatement. his dick was throbbing, and he couldn't go much longer without fucking the girl laying in front of him.

he lined himself up to talia's pussy and looked down at her before going any further.

"are you sure you want to do this?" he asked. talia nodded, happy draco was being so gentle.

the gentleness didn't last very long.

he kissed her to try and stifle talia's moans as best he could. he was trying to go slow, but his body begged for him to pick up speed.

he looked down and saw talia was in pain.

"i'm sorry, princess, but it's taking everything in me not to pound you right now..." draco moaned. talia nodded.

"it's fine. it's fine." she said, closing her eyes. draco burried his face into tal's neck, kissing and sucking.

he couldn't control his hips going faster into her.

"fuck. you feel so fucking good." he moaned.

"oh, god. draco..."

talia's pain was quickly replaced by pleasure. draco went faster and faster until he was so close to coming, but he wanted to make sure talia came first.

usually, he wouldn't do this with any other girl. but this was talia. she had to come before he did.

"come on my dick. talia, i can't...come on." draco continued to moan.

talia's back arched again as she felt the sensation building up. she felt the orgasm in her entire body, and it was all because of draco.

draco pulled out, as much as he wanted to come inside of her.

talia wanted to try something, though. she's seen it in movies and had talked about it with her friends back home. she wanted to suck draco's dick, and pleasure him the same way he pleasured her. she wanted to taste his come, and she wanted to impress him.

so she did.

before draco could come onto talia's stomach like he planned, talia went for his dick and started sucking. draco's eyes got wide, surprised, and he threw his head back.

"talia..." he moaned.

talia was getting a little self causious that she wasn't good at what she was doing, but shoved the thought away. she knew that if she thought too much about it, then she really wouldn't be good.

draco put his hand on talia's head and she looked up at him, staring into his eyes. the sight made draco explode, and come right into her mouth. he couldn't not come at the sight of her pretty doe eyes staring right at him as she struggled to hold him in her mouth.

talia swallowed it, thinking she'd be more grossed out than she was. swallowing draco's come was hot, and it turned her on.

he grabbed her face and kissed talia deeply. they made out for a while, thinking about everything that had just happened. a few minutes later, they had both calmed down and controlled their breathing.

"i've never had sex with a girl like that, talia." draco confessed.

maybe talia was thinking too much into it, but she didn't know if that was good or bad.

"i'm sorry it i wasn't...great." she said. draco laughed and pulled the covers more up over them.

"what?" he wondered. talia shrugged, not smiling.

"like, you know. if i was bad."

draco's smile faded, but didn't go away completely. he grabbed talia's face and forced her eyes to stare into his.

"that was the hardest i've ever came in my life. you made me see stars." he told.

he kissed her forehead and pulled talia closer to him. he looked down at her neck and saw a couple of hickeys there, knowing they were on her chest as well. he drew his thumb over them, not saying anything about them. he knew talia would probably be annoyed they were there, but he didn't care.

he wanted everyone to know what they had shared that night. he wanted them to envy him for it.

but first, he wanted to enjoy the few more hours they had until the sun rised.

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