chapter 18

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hermione, ron and harry stared at talia with nervousness. they looked scared, and talia did, too.

they were.

"nightmares?" ron asked.

talia didn't nod or anything, but brought her knees up to her chest in the chair in an attempt to get more comfortable in the uncomfortable situation she was in.

"what else is in these nightmares?" hermione wondered. talia didn't want to answer, but she also knew that if the three trusted her enough with the draco death eater information, she could trust them.

"usually there's this snake. and then there's this, like, voice that says my name." she said.

"voice?" ron asked again like he did with "nightmares".

"yeah. followed by screaming. and then there's that mark. this exact one." talia continued, pointing at the drawing on the desk.

"this voice. does it sound like a whisper?" harry wondered. talia nodded slowly.

"how did you know?" she asked.

"harry..." hermione whispered.

talia shifted in her seat.

"i think you-know-who is trying to get into your head." harry said.

talia put her feet down and let her head fall into her hands on the desk. it was a lot of information to take in all at once, and she didn't know how to go about it.

"this doesn't make any sense. why would he want to get into my head out of all people?" tal thought out loud. she didn't know what to call voldemort, especially around harry.

"maybe to keep an eye on draco. you know, because he's a death eater." harry assumed.

talia picked her head and hands off of the table and stood up. she was getting a little annoyed with harry talking about draco like he knew for sure he was a death eater.

"okay. i'll talk to draco tonight and see what i can find out. until then, take a break from the scooby doo theories until we figure out what's going on. you guys are stressing yourselves out." tal said.

hermione and ron exchanged looks at "scooby doo", but talia only walked away, hurrying for her next class. and, even though she had a small quiz coming up, she wasn't really paying attention. instead, her mind wandered off, thinking about the outcome of draco becoming a death eater.

harry was right, it did make sense. and, if he really was, surely he didn't volunteer to be. he couldn't have. draco wasn't a knight in shining armor, but he wasn't a cold blooded psychopath, either.

then, talia thought about how she didn't really know draco. she knew he liked butter beer, didn't like reading, took pride in being a slytherin, and had a weird pure blood thing. but she didn't know much about his parents, or his home life, or his upbringing.

how could she develop such strong feelings for someone she didn't know that much about?

after her classes were over, talia made her way to snape's room for detention. she saw draco outside waiting for her, and avoided eye contact until they were within a foot of each other.

"hey." he greeted. talia gave him a smile and opened up the door. draco looked down at her to tried to read her expression, but tal just kept walking.

snape was sitting down at the desk, and didn't look up until talia and draco both sat down by the front.

"you both missed work when you were...late." he said. he walked over to the corner of the room and picked up a stack of papers, walking back to the desks and placing the papers down for them.

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