chapter 15

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talia dragged draco into flourish and blotts, looking around for a book to read that would keep her busy. tal has been reading a lot more since she came to hogwarts, which she was greatful for.

because talia was focusing on books to find, draco started to get bored. he started fidgeting with the bookshelves, and, consequently, accidentally knocked a few over on the floor.

"draco." talia whispered, going to kneel in front of him to pick them up. if he wasn't annoyed, draco would've gotten turned on.

"you're taking too long." he moaned.

once talia had all of the books in her hand and was ready to put them back on the shelf, she saw another man trying to make his way through the narrow upstairs hallway they were standing in. because it was so narrow, talia and draco had to squish together to move out of the way.

"sorry." talia mumbled, moving out of the way. when she turned around, draco saw the man staring at talia's ass. once the man was by the end of the isle where draco was standing he put out his foot for the man to trip on.

when he tripped, talia hit draco in the shoulder lightly, which interrupted his laughing.

"why the hell did you do that?" she asked, thinking draco was just being rude for no reason. not removing the smirk from his face, draco raised his eyebrows and turned.

"he was staring at your butt. i was doing you a favor." he remarked. he then started walking downstairs of the bookstore to the check out, where talia followed close behind.

once talia checked out, draco held her bag for her and led tal to a side of diagon alley she's never been before. it was darker. there weren't as many lights, and the people were stranger. talia struggled to keep up with draco, but when she finally did, she grabbed his arm to stop him.

"did we take a wrong turn somewhere?" she asked. he looked at her over his shoulder.

"no. it's knockturn alley. i have to stop in borgin and burkes. it's where the other cabinet is." he informed, lowering his voice so only talia could hear. he kept walking as he talked, putting his hand on her lower back and guiding her through the alley.

she ignored the forbidden butterflies that flew in her stomach.

"the vanishing cabinet?" talia tried to confirm, wide eyed.

draco didn't answer. instead, they came upon a small shop that talia assumed was borgin and burkes. he looked around them and then at tal.

"i would tell you to wait outside, but i don't trust the people here. don't touch anything, okay? and anyone i talk to, don't look in the eyes." draco warned.

talia gave him a weary look, but he ignored it and grabbed her wrist, walking in front of her to lead her inside the shop.

talia looked around. there was no one else there besides an old man behind the front desk, who looked talia up and down and earned a scold from malfoy. on different shelves and dressers were multiple antiques, most of them black or dark in color. the room smelled of dust.

as talia roamed the store and looked at the antiques, draco started whispering with the old man in the corner and looking at the other part of the vanishing cabinet. sitting on one of the shelves, tal noticed, was a necklace with a snake head and two fangs coming out of it. as detailed as the design was, it was fairly small and dainty. it looked as if it should have been gold, but was stained with rust and dirt from the years it had been untouched.

talia looked at it closely. the more she stared, the louder a voice got that was whispering her name.


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