chapter 29

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talia sat by draco's cot, reading a book next to his sleeping body. he hasn't woken up yet since the incident in the bathroom, but was laying in the infirmary.

snape told talia he would be fine. he also gave her a thirty minute lecture on how she shouldn't turn to her animal form on school grounds, but talia zoned a lot of that out, worried about draco.

she looked up from her book when he started letting out small groans. seeing he was waking up, she shut the book and grabbed his hand. she gave him a small smile, even though she'd figure he'd probably be miserable when he woke.

at first, draco didn't know who was sitting before him. but, when his eyes went into focused and he saw talia's necklace he'd given her, he recognized the way her hand felt in his and smiled.

"you waited for me?" he asked. talia nodded.

"of course i did." she assured.

footsteps were heard at the front of the infirmary, and talia and draco looked over to see blaise, pansy and crabbe and goyle. she smiled, and went to take her hand away from draco's, thinking he wouldn't want to show any pda. but, draco held her hand in place by his.

"shit, malfoy. you look bloody awful." blaise smirked, giving draco a handshake when he got close enough. draco chuckled.

"shut up." he said.

"he's right, though." crabbe smiled.

"how did this happen, again?" pansy questioned, her arms crossed on her chest. draco and talia exchanged looks.

"potter hit draco with scetumsempra. it's a curse he isn't supposed to know about." talia informed. draco shook his head.

"we ended up dueling in the bathroom and i slipped. took a bloody hell of a fall." he snarled. everyone shook their heads as well.

"good thing snape was there. as scary as that man is, he showed up at a good time." goyle pointed out. the others in the room nodded, agreeing.

talia and draco both knew to keep the reason harry hit draco with that spell out of the story.

after everyone visited draco, he asked talia to bring him dinner to the infirmary so he could eat later. madame pomfrey insisted that he stayed the night there, just so she could be sure everything with him would be okay.

talia began preparing draco a plate when she felt stares on her. she turned around and saw harry, ron and hermione all looking at her. when talia looked at them, though, they turned away and started whispering.

getting annoyed, talia put the plate down and walked over to their table. a few other gryffindors around them moved away out of fear. pansy noticed what was happening and tapped astoria, smirking and pointing.

"okay, first of all, if you guys are going to talk shit learn how to say it to my fucking face." talia said. hermione looked up at her, and she looked...hurt.

"talia..." hermione tried. talia only cut her off.

"second of all, what the hell is wrong with you?" she asked, looking solely at harry. harry shook his head.

"i didn't wasn't supposed to happen like that." harry said. talia scoffed.

"but it did. he could've died!"

"you don't understand. we are not the enemy." he argued. talia slammed her hand down onto the table, making hermione and ron jump.

"believe me, harry. i understand a lot more than you think i do." she said.

harry and talia stared at each other in the eyes. talia had just confessed she knew draco was a death eater this entire time, and harry understood.

and he felt betrayed.

talia turned her head and started roughly walking back to where pansy was sitting, when hermione stood up and grabbed her hand.

"talia, don't.." she pleaded. the trio knew that if talia walked away from them right now, she was choosing a side.

talia looked down at her and hermione's hands interlocked. she then looked back up at hermione, and for a second, felt bad at the saddened look in her eyes.

but, she shook her head and roughly pulled her hand away.

hermione sighed and sat back down. ron stood up, about to go after talia, but hermione stopped him.

"ron." she said. the three of them watched talia go back to her table, pansy clapping her hands and applauding. ron shook his head.

"we can't just let her walk off. surely she doesn't mean anything that she-"

hermione cut him off.

"she's in love with him. and she's blinded by it."

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