chapter 1

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talia looked out of the window from her empty compartment and noticed her adoptive parents already gone. they were both wizards, but never really got along with talia. sometimes she questioned why they even adopted her in the first place.

this would be talia's first year at hogwarts. she's practiced magic before, and was somewhat good at it, but only ever attended muggle schools in america, where she grew up. you can imagine how surprised she was to receive a letter from hogwarts after so many years.

the train lurched forward, and she heard a loud horn from the front. talia knew this would be a long ride, so she took out a book and began to read when she heard someone open the door to her compartment.

it was three boys and a girl. the first boy, laughing at something the boy on the right said, had blonde hair, pale skin, and was very handsome. he stood in between two other boys, one fuller than the other, and a girl all the way to the left.

"who are you and what are you doing in our compartment?" the boy in the middle asked. talia raised her eyebrows at his rudeness.

"easy, draco. i think she's the new girl." the girl on the left said. talia began to put her book away.

"obviously she is, look at her tie. not that i have a problem with it." the boy on the right said. talia looked down and saw he was beginning to touch his crotch. she threw him a disgusted look.

"disgusting." talia mumbled under her breath as she began to gather her things.

"what was that?" the boy, apparently named draco, asked.

"i said your friend is disgusting. now, if you would get out of my way so i can leave that would be great." talia said, standing up now and trying to push past the group.

"oh, she's got an attitude. careful, boys." the girl on the left said. this made talia stop moving and just stand there, letting draco get a good look at her.

he thought she was genuinely beautiful. he regretted coming off so rude, but at the same time, he had a reputation to uphold.

talia caught him staring, and she stared right back. draco liked that. usually most people would be afraid under his gaze, but she wasn't.

a moment went by before the two said anything, and draco's friends noticed.

"draco." the girl on the left said, almost getting jealous. draco threw her a dirty look for interrupting.

"you're american. what's your name?" draco asked, curious and taking notice of her accent. talia simply scoffed.

"oh, so now you want to be polite? what was it, draco?" she asked, annoyance in her voice. draco gave the attitude right back.

"whatever. we'll just hear it from the sorting hat. you'll be a pathetic hufflepuff, no doubt." draco said.

he began to walk into the compartment some more, his friends following his actions and sitting down. talia rolled her eyes and walked out.

surely there would be no empty compartments left.

tal was right, so she tried her best to find a compartment with the least amount of people. she ended up stumbling upon a compartment with two boys and one girl.

"excuse me. i don't mean to bother, but may i join the three of you?" she asked politely.

the two boys, instead of answering, stared at her admiringly, which talia didn't seem to notice. the other girl did, though. she nudged the red haired boy next to her with her elbow and kicked the boy sitting across from her in the knee. they both broke out of their day dreams and cleared their throats.

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