chapter 16

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draco and talia stumbled into the slytherin common room through the fire place, using flu powder to leave the three broomsticks from one of the upstairs rooms.

"i'm never gonna get used to that." talia mumbled. draco stepped out of the fire place and put his hand out to help talia do the same. when they did, they saw pansy, millicent, blaise, and a boy named terrence higgs.

"talia? where have you been all day? i was looking for you." pansy said, walking up to talia and grabbing her shoulder. she then looked down at draco and talia's intertwined hands. when she did, they pulled their hands away from each other.

"sorry. i was out with draco." tal answered. she looked over at draco, and both of them smiled at each other and laughed.

"are you guys...drunk?" millicent asked. talia dropped her smile and looked at astoria and pansy with a straight face.

"i have never had a sip of alcohol in my life." she said, monotoned. astoria rolled her eyes, and pansy grimaced and walked up to draco.

"what do you think you two are doing?" she asked. draco shrugged, his hands shoved into his pockets.

"i don't know, mum. having some fun for once in this hell hole. you should try it sometime." he said. talia had to bite down on her lip to stop herself from laughing.

"draco...what are you doing? you're never like this towards me." pansy sighed. she grabbed draco's hand. he immedietly pulled away, but talia still saw the action. she walked up and stood in between them, crossing her arms in front of pansy.

a new feeling boiled up inside of talia, and she wasn't sure it was. she was getting used to being not sure what she felt when she was around draco.

"actually, pansy, what are you doing?" tal asked, squinting her eyes in pansy's way. pansy looked down at her, raised her eyebrows, and crossed her own arms.

"not making a fool out of myself unlike some people." pansy remarked. talia took a step closer.

"better watch your mouth, bitch." she said.

blaise whistled, and draco put his hand on talia's shoulder. all boys in the room were smirking, liking the girls getting riled up at each other.

plus, draco thought talia looked extra hot getting jealous. still, even though talia and pansy getting into an altercation was just what the boys needed to spice up their day, draco thought it was best for talia to avoid that with everything going on.

"tal, why don't we just go lie down." draco whispered in her ear, still smirking. pansy could smell the alcohol on both of their breath.

"are you sure she should lie down, draco? maybe she should go back to where she came from instead." she said. talia took another step closer.

"you know what pansy? i think you should take you and your pug ass nose, and start learning how to mind your fucking business before you get hurt." talia threatened.

draco could see talia reaching for her wand, but grabbed both of her arms to stop her.

"alright. that's enough." he said, pulling talia towards the boys dorms. as he did, he roughly turned talia to start walking ahead of him. that way, if she tried to turn around, he could easily grab her before she got to pansy.

"whatever you two have going on will never work! and when it doesn't, tal, don't come running back!" pansy called after them.

talia turned around and tried to get at her, making pansy jump and take a few steps back. when talia did this, though, draco picked her up and threw her over his shoulder until they got to his dorm.

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