chapter 30

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talia kept draco company as he ate dinner, not wanting him to feel lonely or defeated after his run in with harry. he was thankful she did, and was greatful to have a girl like her there for him in times like this.

"come here." draco said, patting his side in the cot he was laying in. he felt fine, but was still a little sore. it was a little difficult for him to move over, but he couldn't have talia just sitting next to him anymore. he needed her right there, in the cot by his side.

when she did lay next to him, talia put her head on draco's chest and let out a sigh, closing her eyes. he picked up her leg and threw it over him, tracing circles around her knee with his thumb and sliding his hand up and down her thigh.

eventually, draco looked down and saw the burn by tal's ankle harry had given talia when she was chasing him.

"what's this?" he asked, pointing down at it. talia picked her head up to see what draco was pointing at. when she saw the burn, she carefully layed it back down.

"oh. um..well, when i saw what harry did to you in the bathroom, i kind of turned into a snake and started chasing him down the hallway. he tried getting me away from him and his wand hit me." talia informed. she looked up at draco, a little nervous about what he would say.

"potter did that to you?" he asked.

talia bit down on her cheek before responding. she didn't want to piss draco off.

"technically, yes. but he was just defending himself. if i saw a giant snake trying to eat my face off, too, i'd do the same." she laughed, trying to make a joke out of the situation.

draco didn't find it very funny.

"i dont care. he fucking hurt you." he said, sitting up a little.

talia put her hand on his face to calm him down, and draco layed his head back onto the pillow. she smiled up at him, shaking her head.

"i'm fine." she said.

she reached up and kissed him, draco kissing her back. her hand fell down from his hand and traced his stomach. he put his hands around her neck, and she slipped her hands under his shirt.

they were getting pretty comfortable, no one else, even madame pomfrey, being in the infirmary at this time of night. draco's lips moved from talia's to her neck, and then her chest. then, he looked up at her and sighed sadly.

"what?" tal asked. draco smirked.

"as much as i want to, let's not have our first time together be in the infirmary." he said. talia chuckled and nodded, laying her head back down on draco's chest. he kissed her forehead and she started playing with the rings on his fingers.

"i can't believe we've been together this long and i haven't fucked you." draco thought out loud. talia looked at him, her eyebrows furrowed but smiling at his bluntness.

"draco!" she said. he shrugged.

"it's true. i know we snog a lot, but i've never been with a girl things long and haven't...actually, i've never been with a girl this long at all. but that's not the point. point is, i usually fuck every girl i'm with." he rambled. talia continued to look at him.

"so...what are you saying?" she asked.

"you're different." he finished.

talia looked back down and started playing with his rings again, deep in thought. she wanted to be honest with draco about her virginity, but didn't know how he would take it. she knows he's been around, and had much more experience than she has.

"draco. i've never..." talia said, looking back up. she figured it would be better to rip off the bandaid than drag it out.

"you've never what?" malfoy asked, not understanding. talia started biting the inside of her cheek again, embrassed to finish the sentence.

eventually, draco got the hint.

"oh." he said.

silence fell over them for a second before draco spoke up again.

"that's okay. i'll wait. we can both wait until your ready." he said. talia shook her head.

"but i don't want you to feel tied down. if you want to do anything with another girl-"

"don't finish that sentence. you're my girlfriend, talia. i'm never going to want to do anything with anyone else." draco cut talia off and shook his head.

butterflies swarmed talia's stomach when she heard draco say the g word.

"is that what we are?" she wondered. draco nodded.

"what else would we be?" he asked, thinking it was obvious. talia smiled, unable to control it.

"i never asked." she said. draco let out a chuckle, then a sigh.

"talia halliwell-riddle, will you do me the honors of being my girlfriend?" he asked.

talia laughed at him, and he smiled down at her.

"yes, draco." she whispered.

draco leaned down and kissed her again, and she kissed back right away.

it was then draco wanted to say he loved talia. he wanted to say it to her so badly, but knew that he shouldn't. it was a promise to her he didn't feel like he could keep. he didn't feel like he was good enough to keep.

and he didn't think it was fair to keep.

but, even though he didn't say "i love you" tonight, draco knew this was another memory he would want to put in his ring.

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