chapter 25

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like draco said, him and talia spent the entire night together. they had dinner at the great hall and went back to his dorm to watch elf. then, they fell asleep together with talia in his arms, and talia went another night with no bad dreams.

they spent most of their nights and days like this until christmas eve.

on christmas eve, talia spent the day wrapping her presents and mailing everything out to her friends and family. she was especially careful wrapping up draco's gift, wanting to show him that she cared and was extra careful with it.

as talia finished up wrapping, she noticed draco's owl flying towards her window. she hurried to open the window so the owl wouldn't fly into it, and it stayed perched on the window sill as talia carefully took the note from its beak.

meet me in the astronomy tower

talia smiled at the note and got up, heading for the tower. she didn't see draco inside, so took a few more steps, looking for him. eventually, draco popped out and put his hands on talia's back, scaring her.

talia pulled out her wand and sent a swish of power towards draco's way, making him jump.

"it's me! it's me.." draco pleaded, putting his hands up. talia let out a sigh and smiled. she remembered the first time draco tried to scare her here.

"sorry. i've been jumpy lately." she said. it was the truth. she's been scared of voldemort, even though she was in the castle.

"was that a nameless spell you just did?" draco asked, smoothing out his suit. talia nodded.

"i've been practicing." she smirked.

she grabbed draco's hand and walked over to the edge of the tower, looking over at the view. the sun was just staring to set, and you could see it going down by the great lake. snow covered the grass and made the land surrounding the castle completely white.

as she leaned over the tower and admired the lake, draco put his hands on both sides of her and leaned on her back, putting his head in the crook of her neck.

talia closed her eyes, wishing she could stay like this forever. she didn't care if it was cold outside or if filch was around the corner, looking for them. she didn't care about who her real father was or the struggle draco was going through right now. she just wanted to stay there, with him, like this forever.

"are you excited for tomorrow? sleeping in, breakfast at the great hall. presents. we can even go to hogsmeade if you want." draco whispered, looking down at talia as she stared at the view ahead. she nodded.

"yeah. i am. and i'm excited to spend christmas with you." she said.

tal always got nervous saying something lovey or complimenting draco. but, that nervousness was replaced with butterflies when he put his hand around her neck and made her look up at him, bending his head around and kissing her lovingly.

he kept his grip around her neck firmly as his tongue slipped into her mouth. their heads moved in sink, and draco pulled apart for just a second.

"i lo..." he started, cutting himself off. he went to brush it off and kiss talia, wide eyed at himself. but, talia pulled away.

"what did you say?" she asked.

draco thought for a moment. he almost just said that he loved the girl standing in front of him. but that couldn't be true. he's only known her for a couple of months, and he has never been in love with a girl like this. but talia was different.

plus, with him being a death eater, he didn't think it was fair to love her. he could die. and he couldn't bring himself to say it.

"i, um...i think we should head back to watch another movie soon." he whispered, caressing talia's face with his thumb.

talia knew what he almost said.

but she also understood why he didn't say it.

so, she smiled and nodded, agreeing.

"okay." she nodded.

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