chapter 23

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"maybe i did hex that bell girl. maybe i didn't. what's it to you?" draco asked snape, the two of them secretly walking down a long, empty hallway.

or, they thought it was empty. what they didn't know was that talia was following them and listening to their conversation. and, what talia didn't know was harry was just a few feet away, doing the same thing.

talia jumped a little when snape pushed draco against the wall.

"i swore to protect you. i made the unbreakable vow!"

"i don't need protection! i was chosen for this. out of all others. me! and i won't fail him." draco told snape.

"you're afraid, draco. you attempt to conceal it, but it's obvious. let me assist you." snape tried, letting his hands slowly go down to his sides.

"no! i was chosen. this is my moment." draco explained.

talia thought long and hard. what was draco chosen for? why did snape have to protect him?

what did he have to protect him from? voldemort?

so many questions, and no time for answers.

talia hurried back for her dorm, not wanting snape or draco to find her eavesdropping. when she got back, she slammed the door shut and pressed her back against it, eyes closed.

when she opened her eyes, she saw pansy sitting on the bed, looking up at her.

talia took a step forward, and pansy stood up and did the same. both of their expressions were blank.

if talia was being honest, she missed pansy. she was a good friend to her and treated her like a sister.

without thinking, both girls leaned forward and hugged each other.

"i'm so sorry! i was just jealous you were spending so much time with draco and not as much time with me." pansy whined, closing her eyes. talia shook her head.

"no, i'm sorry. i should have never called you a bitch and said you have a pug nose. you're nose is beautiful." she said. pansy squeezed her tighter.

"and i should have never told you to go back to america. i love you being here. i don't know what i'd do if you weren't. probably go mad."

both girls pulled away from each other and smiled, holding each other's hands.

"let's never fight again. especially not over malfoy." talia shook her head. pansy nodded, agreeing.

"right. i don't know what i was thinking." she said.

talia walked over to her bed and plopped down on it, staring at the ceiling and loudly sighing. pansy layed down, too, but layed on her side so she could look over at talia.

"speaking of draco; what are you two, anyway?" pansy wondered. talia looked over.

"what do you mean?" she asked.

"well, you two are always around each other. plus, i see the way he looks at you. that boy is in love." pansy explained.

talia raised her eyebrows.

"no he's not. it's draco malfoy. you know how he is with girls." she tried. pansy scoffed.

"yeah. and i've never seen him act the way he does when he's around you. it's like..a different malfoy." she went on.

talia turned from looking at pansy back to the ceiling. she thought about what pansy had just said. sure, talia had feelings for draco, and strong ones at that. but it was too soon to love each other. that couldn't be true.

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