chapter 13

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"malfoy?" talia called out. she had just walked into the room of requirement, and she was a little nervous. she's only been in this room once before, and it was when draco had told her how serious whatever he was doing was.

she wandered further into the room, seeing a man with her back turned toward her and his body facing a cabinet-looking structure. because he was wearing all black, he blended in with the room and lack of light there was.

"draco?" talia asked again, talking more quietly. he looked down, sighing before opening his mouth to speak.

"before you showed up i was debating on whether or not i should involve you in this mess. but, from what you told me about your dream, it sounds like you're already involved." he said, speaking quietly and monotoned. as he talked, talia shifted between feet. she was nervous.

"what are we doing here?" she asked. instead of ever turning around, draco stepped forward and looked up at the cabinet in front of him.

"this is a vanishing cabinet. it acts as a passage connecting two places." he explained. talia took a step next to him, examining the cabinet herself.

"so, if you placed an object in it, it would appear in another cabinet like this?" she asked. he didn't nod, but his silence made it clear to her that she was right.

"i have to fix it up to make sure it's safe to travel through." he went on. this made talia come out of her thoughts and look over at him quickly, getting a little scared.

"safe for who?" she asked. draco snapped his head over at her, not realizing how much he had given away with his rambling.

he cleared his throat and looked down at the floor. then, he started walking towards the exit of the room.

"we better make it back up to the common room. it's getting late and we're both tired." he said. talia scoffed.

"you can't just lay this all on me and give me no explanation, malfoy. first my dream, now this cabinet. none of it makes any sense." she said, sarcastically smiling. he whipped his body towards hers and looked down into her eyes.

"i know that. i know it doesn't make any sense right now. but it will." he said. the way he looked at her made her loose her breath. she was unable to talk, so she didn't.

"and i honestly think i just told you about this because if i didn't tell anyone, i think i would've lost my shit." draco finished, slightly laughing sadly. talia nodded and looked down, intimidated by him. she didn't want to continue the conversation anymore, so she tried to move it along.

"right. let's go to the common room, then."

the two walked next to each other in silence. not only because they were afraid to say something to each other, but they were both mentally and physically exhausted.

but, eventually when they were almost back to the slytherin common room, talia spoke up. she was so absorbed in her thoughts about everything that was going on. it would give her so much relief if draco told her what he was really doing with that stupid cabinet. why couldn't he?

"why can't you tell me what you're really doing with the vanishing cabinet?" tal thought out loud. draco rolled his eyes.

"i will eventually ." he said, not wanting to deal with her nosiness, even though he kind of liked it.

"but why are you making me wait? i haven't figured anything out about my dream and now i'm not able to figure anything out about this cabinet because you won't tell me." talia explained, venting. draco squished his face and furrowed his brows.

"maybe because i just don't want to tell you. did you ever think of that?" he challenged.

the two of them finally made it to the common room, annoyed with each other.

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