chapter 11

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"what are you doing?" michael asked, sneaking up behind talia. she was sitting at a desk in the library, reading up a book to help her catch up on transfiguration.

talia and draco didn't meet up that week. she figured that they really weren't going to meet up again for a month after what happened in the room of requirement.

"hey, michael. i'm just studying." talia said, looking up from her book. michael took a seat down next to her and pulled the book close to him so he could read as well. talia watched, a smirk on her face.

"chapter sixty three?" he asked. talia shrugged.

"can't say i've ever read a book with sixty three chapters before." she chuckled. michael nodded.

"i admire you working hard and everything, but you could have just asked for my help." he offered. talia raised her eyebrows.

"really?" she asked. he smirked and furrowed his eyebrows.

"try not to sound so surprised. i know i'm not a ravenclaw, but i know a thing or two." he said. talia laughed, which made michael smile. he licked his lips and looked away for a second, debating with himself before talking again.

"listen...i was wondering if you would want to go to a common room party with me tonight. you could be my date." he shrugged. talia furrowed her eyebrows.

"a slytherin at a hufflepuff common room party?" she asked. after what happened when talia went to greet michael after he won the quidditch game, she wasn't sure if going to one of his common room parties was the best idea.

"there's always other houses there. maybe not a lot of slytherins..or any...but no ones gonna say anything. and, having other houses in other common rooms isn't really allowed, so keep it quiet." michael continued. he could see talia debating in her mind like he had done a few moments before.

"come on. take a night off of studying and be my date to the common room party." he finished. talia gave him a look and sighed, giving in.

"okay. fine." she huffed. he nodded and stood up.

"ill see you at ten." he said, walking away.

later on, talia started getting ready. she was able to avoid panty's questions since she wasn't in the common room, but she still missed pansy's fashion sense in what she should wear. she decided on a tie top that came with a matching skirt, knowing it was a tight outfit that flattered her. she wanted to impress michael with her appearance and all of the other people who would be at the party.

when she left her dorm and started heading to meet michael, draco had walked down the steps of the exit of the boy's dorms. she tried to walked quicker for the door, not wanting to talk to him.

"where are you going dressed like that?" he asked, leaning on the door frame, looking talia up and down and crossing his arms.

"i have a date." she said, letting out a huff.

"a date? there's no way." he said, chuckling. draco got up from his leaning and started walking more into the room.

"is it that hard to believe a guy asked me out?" talia asked, turning to fully face him.

"yes." he said simply. she let out a scoff before turning towards the door again.

"you're such a dick." she mumbled.

"just don't hook up with anyone. alright?" he asked.

talia looked over at him again, butterflies swarming her stomach. was he saying that because he was jealous of her date?

for a second, she thought he really cared.

as he looked at her, he knew deep down that he did care. he didn't want her to kiss anyone or have sex with anyone or even go on a stupid date and he couldn't figure out why he felt that way.

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