Gilded Hero

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3rd Person POV

"Daddy...Daddy!" Yui called him.

Kirito opens his eyes and sees Yui in her human form.

He looks around and sees they were in a bright hallway.

"Where are we?" He asks.

"I don't know. There's no mapping data." She tells him.

He hums, "Do you know where (Y/n) is?"

"Yes." She closes her eyes as her whole body started to glow, "She's close...Very close."

She gasps and stands up in a hurry, "This way!"

She runs forward with Kirito following right behind her. She turns and dispersed one of the walls which lead to another hallway. They both run and reached a door. They started to push hard and it finally opened.

In front of the them, many tree branches surrounded the area. It was like a maze of many trees.

"This is the top of the World Tree?" Kirito asks as a breeze of wind blew.

He gasps as he looked up, "The Floating City isn't up here..."

He starts to glare, "Some 'Grand Quest.' Everything was a lie. I won't let him get away with this!"

Yui tugs at his sleeve to try to calm him down.

He sighs, "Oh, right...It can wait until we save (Y/n)."

She nods as he smiles at her. Kirito looks at the top again and gasps as he notices a bird cage.

He takes Yui's hand and runs to branch that leads to the cage. As they were close, Yui smiles as she sees a familiar figure in there. Kirito tsked and started to run faster.


The sun was setting in the World Tree but (Y/n) didn't care. She was tired of being stuck in the stupid bird cage, being treated as a item, a toy.

She was sick of all of it.

She wants to go home.

She wants to see Kirito again.

I guess I might never get the chance...

She thought as she was leaning on her bedside, with her head on top of it. She felt a small breeze which made her look up a little.

I really am weak...

"Mommy!" A voice called.

Her eyes widen as she sat up and looks at the gate.

There they were.

Her adoptive daughter and the boy who stood by her side in SAO.

Yui smiles with relief, "Mommy..."

He was there.

This...Can't be real...

"Y-Yui...?" She questions with disbelief.

Yui dispersed the gate and runs to (Y/n)'s arms, "Mommy!"

She hugs her and cries into her chest, "Mommy!"

She's real...

(Y/n) takes a moment as tears welled up in her eyes as she hugs her back, "Yui!"

Yui snuggles her and starts to cry, "Mommy...Mommy..."

"There..There...You're real..You're here..." (Y/n) weeps as she hugs Yui.

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