The Grand Quest

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Before we start, I am so sorry for how long this took to have this chapter published. It's been finished and revised it's just I had my doubts because it took so long and I felt like my writing was off. I had many writer's block and I knew I was letting you guys down, but I want to give special thanks to everyone who kept commenting.


3rd Person POV


"It's Mommy. She's here!" Yui confirms and Kirito looks up.

"You're sure?" He asks quickly.

"I'm certain. This player ID belongs to Mommy. The coordinates are right above us!" She points up at the Tree.

Kirito looks up and grits his teeth. His wings appear and quickly flies up causing a gust of wind to appear.

"Kirito!" Leafa calls as she was left behind. "Wait!"

He ignores her calls and flies up more.


Leafa quickly follows behind him, wondering what was happening.

Kirito, what's wrong?

She grips her sword tightly as she saw him flying up in high speed.

The person at the top of the World Tree is that important to you?

She gasps as he was close to the barrier, "Be careful, Kirito! You're about to hit the barrier!"

He doesn't listen and hits it head on. Both him and Yui fall back a little.

"Kirito!" Leafa catches up and sees he was not giving up.

He glares and hits the barrier again.

"No!" She protested.

The impact forces him back and before he was able to hit it again, Leafa grabs his hand.

"Stop it, Kirito. It's impossible! You can't get any higher from here!"

"I have to!" He grits his teeth and looks at the tree, "Damn it, I have to try!"

Leafa looks at him in concern and saw Yui at the barrier.

"Mommy, it's me." She cries as tears formed, "Mommy!"


Back in the World Tree, (Y/n) was laying her head on her table, trying to think of a way out.


She hears a familiar voice causing her to look up. She sits up and looks around the cage.


The voice calls again, making her turn to the edge where the bars were.

She quickly gets up, "Yui? Is that you?"

"Mommy! Mommy! I'm right here!"

(Y/n) hears her and rushes to the bars, looking around the tree. She realized that Yui was calling her from below.

"I'm up here..." She tells her and looks down, "I'm right here, Yui!"

Sadly, she knew Yui couldn't hear her.

(Y/n) tightens her grip on the bars, "Kirito!"

She had to think quickly, she needs to let them know she was up here.

There has to be something...Think!

An idea popped into her head as she remembered what happened earlier.

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