Land of the Fairies

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3rd Person POV

It was a clear morning and people were surrounding streets. In a small street, there stand a bar named 'Dicey's Cafe'.

A man was cleaning a cup but stop once he heard the door open. "Hey, you're here early."

It was Kirito and he had a serious look on his face. "As always, business is slow here."

"Shut up." The man puts the cup away and turns to Kirito. The man was none other than Agil and he smirks, "It's busy at night."

Kirito places his bag on chair and he sits down. He raises an eyebrow, "So that picture...what's the deal with that?"

Agil looks for something, "It's kind of a long story," He finds what he's looking for and place it in front of Kirito. "Ever heard of this?"

Kirito looks at it, "A game?"

"It's an MMO for the Amusphere, a successor to the NerveGear."

"Huh, so it's a VR for MMO...just like Sword Art?" Kirito reads the name of the game, "Alf Heim Online?"

"It's pronounced 'Alv-heim,' supposedly. They say it means 'Land of the Fairies.'" Agil explained.

Kirito just examines the game, "Fairies?"


"Land of the Fairies? Sounds like a cute game." Kirito said as Agil was making him coffee.

"No, not from what I hear." He places the coffee down, "It's a hard-core skill system focusing on player skill. PKing is encouraged."

Kirito raised an eyebrow, "Hard-core skill system?"

"No actual levels, as such. Each skill only improves through use. Combat relies on players' athletic ability."

Kirito looks at the game, "That is hard core."

Agil crosses his arms, "Like an SAO with magic but no sword skills. I hear it's insanely popular now. I've heard it's because you can fly."

Kirito looks at Agil, shocked, "Say what?"

"You're a fairy, so you have wings. It has something called "flight engine," and once you get used to it, you can fly at will."

"Woah...How do you control it?"

Agil shrugs, "Who knows? But I hear it's pretty hard."

Kirito smirks, "Sure, no kidding. You're controlling wings that no human has. Maybe you use the muscles on your back?"

He starts loosing focus on why he was actually here which causes Agil to cough so he can get his attention.

Kirito places the game down, "Right, so what does this game have to do with (Y/n)?"

Agil takes out the picture of (Y/n) that he sent. "What do you think?"

Kirito looks at picture closely, "It looks like her...(Y/n)."

"I thought you'd say that."

Kirito starts loosing his patience, "Would you cut the crap! Where the hell is this?"

"Inside the game. In Alfheim Online." Agil flips the game and it reveals a map. "It's called the World Tree, I hear. A legendary castle sits atop this tree." He points at the center of the map.

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