Yui's Heart

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3rd Person POV

November 1, 2024, Floor 1: Town of Beginnings

The newlyweds went to the day care and everyone was eating lunch. Including the children in the day care. There were a lot of kids and Kirito looks at them all.

"This is...amazing." He said and (Y/n) nods.

"Sure is..."

Sasha giggles, "It's like this everyday. How is Yui feeling?"

"She got a good night's sleep, and you can see it's help." Kirito said and they turn to see Yui eating happily.

"Has this ever happened before?"

(Y/n) shakes her head, "Honestly, we don't know. We found her, she was wondering in the forest on floor 22. She lost her memories."

"Oh my..."

"So we came to the Town of Beginnings." Yui hands the bread to (Y/n) with a close eye smile.

She takes it and rubs her head, "We thought someone here might know her."

"Does she look familiar at all?" Kirito asks but Sasha shakes her head.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think she's one of the kids from the Town of Beginnings. When the game started, most of the children suffered terrible psychological trauma. I couldn't just stand by and do nothing, so I started living with them in this church. Every day, I walk around the town to see if anyone needs my help. But I've never seen anyone like her."

"Back to where we started..." (Y/n) says and soon a knock on the door was heard.


A woman with gray-silver hair bows, "Hello. I'm Yulier."

"Let me guess...You're with the army?" (Y/n) asked with a little of sass. "If you're here to protest what happened yesterday, I have no problem with fighting you either."

"Not at all. It's the other way around. As a matter of fact I'm here to thank you." Yulier said which Kirito and (Y/n) look at each other with confusion.

"I've come to request something of you two today." She said.



"Originally, we...No, our guild leader, Thinker, never wanted it to be the dictational organization that it's become." Yulier told the three of them, Yui tagged along, so it was four.

"We just wanted to share information and food evenly among as many players as possible."

"But the Army grew too large." Kirito commented and Yulier nods.

"Yes, there were multiple initial power struggles, and a man named Kibaou ended up with a great deal of power."

The memory of Kibaou flowed through Kirito's head as Yulier continues, "Kibaou and his faction have become dominant, monopolizing all of the best monster spawn points and have gone so far as to extort people under the pretext of collecting taxes. But people started criticizing Kibaou for neglecting his obligation to clear the game. So he sent his highest-level players under his command to the front lines."

The two gasped and look at each other. "Corvatz..."

"Because of that fiasco, Kibaou was strongly denounced, and we were close to dismissing him from the guild. Desperate, he resorted to drastic measures, setting a trap for Thinker.

Kirito gasped a little and Yulier had a look of sadness. "Thinker's been stranded deep inside a dungeon!"

Everyone gasped except Kirito and Yui, she was sleepy. "Doesn't he have a teleport crystal?" He asked and she shakes her head.

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