Crimson Killing

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3rd Person POV

"So who will be my challenger?" Heathcliff asks.

The two looks at each other and nodded.

(Y/n) turns to Heathcliff, "Kirito will represent us."

Heathcliff smirks, "Great...I'll be glad to see that Duel-Wielding skill."

"Don't act all excited or glad." (Y/n) had a look of determination. "I promise you, Kirito will win this duel."

Heathcliff just smiled, "I'll be looking forward to it."


October 20, 2024-Floor 75: Colinia

Soon everyone around the town heard about the duel between Heathcliff and Kirito. There was a long line to get seats. Inside the coliseum was where Asuna ranting to Kirito and (Y/n).

"You two are such idiots! Why would you agree to that?" She yells and put his hands up in defense.

"Sorry, calm down...We couldn't help it. It wasn't like we had another choice." Kirito said and (Y/n) just rolls her eyes.

"When I saw your duel-wielding the other day, I thought your strength was on another level." Asuna said and crosses her arms. "But the commander has a unique skill too..."

"True. We've seen it several times." (Y/n) said as she puts a hand on her hips. "Divine blade. It maximizes attack and defense power. The attack is strong, but that defense is incredible."

"No one has ever seen his HP bar fall into the yellow zone. It's completely overpowered." Asuna added and Kirito nodded.

"I know."

"What'll you do? If you loose, not only is my leave denied, you and (U/n) will have to join the Knights of the Blood Oath." Asuna said and Kirito stands up.

He was emotionless, "Well, I don't plan to lose easily." Then he smirks toward her.


The coliseum was packed with all kinds of players that wanted to see the dual. Kirito and (Y/n) were by the entrance to the field.

"Well...Guess it's time to go." Kirito said as we walking out but before he left (Y/n).


He stops for a moment. "Yeah?"

"...I believe in you." She mumbles and Kirito was shocked and smirked.

"What was that..?" He teased and she blushed and glares at him.

"I said you better win!" She yelled and he just laughs.

"Yeah...I promise I will." He walks away and once out of hearing (Y/n) smirks.



As Kirito was at the center of the field and so was Heathcliff.

"I'm sorry, Kirito...I didn't realize things would get like this." Heathcliff apologize and looks around the coliseum full of people.

"(U/n) and I will be taking a cut of this." Kirito jokes.

"...No" Heathcliff said and Kirito looks at him shocked.

"After the duel, you two will be members of our guild. I'll treat this as a mission." He states and swiped down his menu and sent a duel request to Kirito.

Once it appears to him, he accepts it and the timer starts.


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