The World Seed

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Get ready everyone, for this is the final chapter of the first book of my Kirito X Reader. I'm not gonna say anything yet until the end of the chapter so until then...enjoy the last chapter.


3rd Person POV

Kirito rode his bike through the roads even though it was snowing, but he didn't care. Nothing would stop him from seeing (Y/n).

He then imagined her smiling at him after waking up.

"(Y/n)..." He breathes out as he rode his bike faster.

He then imagined the worst.

Her dying before opening her eyes.

He gasps and pedaled faster.


He finally arrived at the hospital and sneaked passed the gate. He runs through the parking lot and noticed a man walking out of a van. He moves out of the way but was cut off by a something.

He stops in his tracks as he felt his arm bleeding. He takes a few steps back and leans onto a car. The same man from before walks toward him with a knife in his hand.

"You're late, Kirito." A familiar voice teased.

Kirito gasped, "You..."

The man kept walking with a sinister smirk, "What if I'd caught a cold?"

He walks into the light as he gives Kirito a crazy look.


"That was a horrible thing you did, Kirito. I can still feel the pain." Sugou told him as he held his right eye.

Kirito tsked, "Sugou, you're finished...Turn yourself in and stand trial."

"What's finished? There are plenty of companies that would want me. Yes, once my research is complete, I can become a true king, the god of this world."

Kirito grunts, "You..."

"But first of all, I'm going to kill you now, Kirito." He says and runs to him with the knife.

Kirito dodges but falls.

"Hey, stand up." Sugou says with boredom and kicks him, "Stand up!"

Kirito grunts in pain and notices his puddle of blood. Then Sugou kicks him again.

"A piece of trash like you daring to..Daring to get in my way!" He yells and readies the knife.

"Naturally, the punishment for that is death. Only death is an acceptable outcome!" He stabs his knife.

Kirito dodges it quickly with only a scratch on his face.

Sugou adjusted his glasses with annoyance, "Huh? The vision in my right eye is blurry...So I missed."

He puts the knife up in the air again but starts to shake, "You piece of scum...A wretch like you...A wretch like you has no real power whatsoever!"

Kirito looks at him and remembers how he was like in ALO.

Sugou, you aren't any different...

"Die, trash!" He yells and tries to stab him but Kirito holds him back.

He battle cries and pushes him away, taking his knife.

"A weak weapon..." He mumbled as he stood up, "It's light, without any reach. But it's more than enough to kill you!"

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