General of the Blazing Flame

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3rd Person POV

The two ran past the monsters while Leafa screams.

Kirito smiles, "There's the exit!"

A white light caught her attention as the two head towards it.

The made it out the cave and was in the sky.

They both activated their wings but Leafa was having trouble controlling her pace.

She sighs as she got the hang of it and glares at Kirito, "Are you trying to kill me?"

He laughs softly, "But it saved some time, right?"

"Honestly..." She pouted but gasp a little as she saw what was in view.

They both saw the World Tree and stare at it.

Kirito turns to her, "Where will the meeting be taking place?"

She nods and open the map icon.

She points toward some mountains that were off in the distance, "To the northwest, inside that mountain."

He looks at it seriously, "How much time do we have left?"

"Twenty minutes."

He furrows his eyebrows, "We're not going fast enough."

They both start going faster and flies toward the mountains.


ALfheim, Neutral Territory, Butterfly Valley

"I don't know if we'll make it there before the Salamanders." Kirito stated and Leafa nodded.

"Yeah. Even if we can warn them, we'll either barely get the leaders out, or all die together in battle."

Yui pops out of Kirito's pocket, "Players detected. A group of 68 players is ahead. That's probably the Salamander attack force."

The two look at each and look at the distance. Their eyes widen as they saw a group of Salamander fairies flying by them.

"Fourteen more are up ahead. Most likely the Sylph and Cait Sith diplomats." Yui confirmed and pointed at a group of other players on top of the mountain.

"Fifty seconds until they make contact." She said which makes Leafa close her eyes in disappointment.

"We didn't make it on time." She opens her eyes.

"Thank you, Kirito. This is far enough." She thanked and looks at him. "You go to the World Tree. I'm going to save Sakuya."

She sadly smiles, "It wasn't for long, but it was fun. I hope we meet again!"

Kirito doesn't look at her, "Running away at this point isn't really my style so..."

Leafa looks at him shocked as he kept looking at the distance in front of them with determination.


Players that were apart of the meeting stop and see many Salamander fairies surrounding them.

One asked the question that everyone had in their heads.

"Why are the Salamanders here?"

All of the Salamanders ready their weapons same as the Caits and Slyphs.

There was a moment of silence.

Everyone waiting for either side to make the first attack.

A leader of the Salamanders were to signal an attack, someone lands harshly between the two which forms a dust cloud.

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