The League Corridor

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3rd Person POV

The two players stop at a nearby cave but the only one that could see was Kirito.

"Osun Narza Noto Riza Aoga!" He said as he casted a spell.

Leafa's eyes soon turn green and she starts to look around the cave in awe.

"Everything got brighter!"

"Night-vision magic? I guess Spriggans are good for something." She teases.

Kirito sweat drops, "I don't know if that's an compliment or a diss."

Leafa laughs, "You should learn any magic you can. You're only good at glamours though."


She nods and smile, "Yeah. It's cool but it's not that useful in combat."

"Well, lame Spriggan magic might be the difference between life and death." She teases and walks away laughing.

Kirito furrow his eyebrows knowing she was making fun of him.

He groans a little, "Now that was a diss."


"Saya Oratsa B-Botum...?"

Leafa shakes her head, "Don't try to memorize words by route. Learn what the words or power mean, and recall them by associating them with the magic's effects."

While the two were walking, Kirito was force to learn his spells.

Others find it easy but Kirito...

Let's just say he was having a hard time.

He sighs, "I never thought I'd have to memorize words from a different language."

"Just so you know, the higher-ranked spells have around 20 words," said Leafa and Kirito groans.

He slumps down as they kept walking, "I'll stick to being a fighter..."

Leafa scolds him, "No complaining!"

Out of nowhere a message icon appeared in front of her, which caused the two to stop in their tracks.

"I got a message. Sorry. Hold on."

He nods, "Okay."

"It's Recon again. I'm sure it's nothing..."

She opens it and reads the message, "It says It was right. Be careful, s."

Leafa tilts her head in confusion, "What's this? S?"

After saying 'S' with a few vowels, she figured out who he was talking about.

"What's wrong?" Kirito asked.


Yui pops out of Kirito's pocket, "Daddy, incoming signatures."

Kirito narrows his eyes, "Monsters?"

She shakes her head, "No, players. Lots of them. Twelve."

"Twelve?" Leafa thought for a moment and looks at the two, "I've got a bad feeling. Let's hide and let them pass."

Kirito agreed but looks around to find nowhere to hide, "But where?"

Leafa smirks, "Leave that to me."

She pushes him against the wall.

Kirito gave a confuse look, "Hey! Easy..."

She giggles and turns around with one of her hands in the air.

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