The Temperature of the Heart

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3rd Person POV

June 24, 2024 Floor 48: Lindas

A young woman was checking a sword for her shop. She looks at it and smiles, "That'll do it."

Asuna smiled, "Thanks, Liz!" She paid her friend and puts back her sword.

"You're welcome." She then thought for a moment and asked, "Aren't you going hunting with the guild today?"

Asuna looked down for a second but then smiled, "I took the day off. I'm meeting some friends of mine, you see."

Liz took a look at Asuna's ear and sees a purple earring and smirks, "So that's it." She teased.

"It's not like that. A old friend of mine and a new friend alright, jeez." Asuna stammered.

A clock bell rings and Asuna freaked out. "I have to go!" She ran to the door.

"Thanks for coming!" Liz waved as her friend left the shop. Liz walks to a picture she taken years ago. "I wonder if I'll ever find something too?" She asked herself.


Later on that day, Liz was working on a new sword. She grab the sword she made and furrowed her eyebrows, "Good enough..."

Just then the bell for her shop rang, she put her sword down. "Dealing with customers is part of my job, too."

She walks toward her shop and said, "Welcome to Lizbeth's Smith Shop!"

Two players turned to her, it was Kirito and (Y/n).

Kirito turned to her, "U-Uh...We'd like to order a custom made weapon."

Liz furrowed her eyebrows. 'Do they have enough money?' She thought and said, "At the moment, metal prices are high."

"Don't worry about the cost. We just want the best swords you can make right now." (Y/n) said and crossed her arms.

"That's somewhat vague. You'll have to give me an idea of your target quality level." She told them and they took out their swords.

"Then something of the same quality as this or better?" Kirito asked and they gave her their swords.

Her eyes widen as she saw their swords. "An Elucidator and a Claymor..." (Your sword is on the top and pretend it has your favorite color)

"Can you make one?" (Y/n) asked.

Liz turned and grabbed a sword. She gave it to Kirito, "How about this one? It's the best sword I ever forged. My masterpiece!"

He examined it and tried it out by waving it around.(I'm not good at describing things😭)

"Isn't it a little light?" (Y/n) asked him and he nodded.

"Well, I did use a speed-type metal to forge it." She said.

He looked at it and asked, "Would you mind if I tested it?"

"Test it?" She was confuse.

"You know, it's durability."

She had a really looked until he grabbed his sword. "H-Hey! Your sword will break in two if you do that!"

"If that happens, it'll just bad!" He said as Liz sword broke in half.

Liz yelled and grabbed her sword. She examined it. "Irreparable..." It disperses into shards and she fell to the ground.

(Y/n) smacks Kirito's head. "Idiot..."

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